In a newly discovered scam, unknowing victims are told that they have won a free pair of Apple AirPods. The incentives in this fraud seem to come from Amazon, and they include items other than AirPods, with the Apple Watch a popular “present.” The following information can help you from falling victim to the Amazon AirPods raffle Scam.
AirPods continue to be a popular choice for those on the go who want to listen to music or podcasts. Although the company’s AirPods Max are pricey, the AirPods Pro and regular second-generation AirPods are much less costly.
Naturally, receiving a set of headphones for free and unexpectedly enhances the listening experience.

Background Story
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) issued a warning last month about an ongoing Amazon Airpods Raffle Scam. The public is notified through text message when they have won the lottery. In most instances, the notification indicates the price as a complimentary set of AirPods.
The BBB notice also mentions the Apple Watch and other electrical gadgets, indicating that AirPods are not the only reward available. Regardless of the reward, the winner is prompted to visit a website to initiate and confirm their benefits distribution.
When a user opens the link, they are sent to a phishing website, which compromises their Amazon account as well as other personal and financial information.
Amazon Airpods Raffle Scam Goals
Text scams are prevalent, and many of them function similarly, making it easy to determine if a text message should be believed. To begin, every text message received from a source other than a friend or family member should be viewed with suspicion.
Before most companies may send SMS, they need recipients to opt-in to receive them. Naturally, adding Amazon here enhances the scam’s effectiveness, since many people may believe they have already opted in to receive Amazon communications.
If the individual has not just won a lottery or has not explicitly signed up for an Amazon promotion, the transaction is more likely to be fraudulent.
By and large, random phrases with links are the most often seen warning sign of a fraud. Because clicking on a link in a text message is a frequently used scam tactic, proceed with care. If Amazon had a contest and a winner was announced, their Amazon account would almost certainly display the same message.
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Immediately checking your Amazon account or contacting Amazon before to clicking the link is a great method to prevent falling prey to this Amazon Airpods Raffle Scam.
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