The Bendigo Bank scam text message is a fake message that is being circulated purporting to be from the bank. The message claims that the recipient’s account has been compromised and that they need to click on a link to rectify the situation. However, the link actually leads to a malicious website that will bring nothing but harm to users.
Bendigo Bank has stated that they are not sending out any such messages and that the message is a hoax. If you receive this message, do not click on the link and delete it immediately.
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What is Bendigo Bank Scam Text about?
The Bendigo Bank Scam Text is a phishing scam that is currently circulating. Scam text message claims to be from Bendigo Bank and states that the recipient’s account has been suspended. The message then directs the user to click on a link to reactivate their account.
However, the link actually leads to a phishing website that is designed to steal the user’s personal and financial information. Bendigo Bank has issued a warning to customers about this scam, and advises anyone who receives the message not to click on the link.
Dangers of Phishing Texts
Phishing texts are becoming increasingly common, and they can be very dangerous. If you receive a phishing text, it is important not to click on any links or open any attachments. Doing so could give the sender access to your personal information or infect your device with malware.
If you are unsure whether a text is legitimate, you can try contacting the company or person that the text claims to be from. But be warned – scammers are getting better at spoofing legitimate numbers, so this is not always a reliable method. The best way to protect yourself from phishing texts is to be aware of the dangers and to exercise caution.
Must Follow Steps
There are a few things to look out for when trying to recognise Bendigo Bank Scam Text. First, check the sender’s name and number. If the sender is not your bank or someone you know, be suspicious. Second, look for any typos or grammatical errors in the message.
These are often a sign that the message is not from a legitimate source. Finally, be wary of any message that asks for personal information or financial information. If you are unsure about a message, it is always best to contact your bank directly to confirm.
Bendigo Bank Scam Text Conclusion
As this type of fraud is not flatlining, it is better to be prepared and aware about the risks involved. Enable 2 FA and keep yourself updated. Also, do your part and share this post with your social circle to create awareness. Once majority users are alerted, this phishing attack will disappear.
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Bendigo Bank: John Your account has been suspended. Please visit Thanks, Bendigo Support