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eu393.com: Is it a SCAM?

We recently received a complaint regarding a fraudulent scheme involving the website eu393.com.


The individual filing the complaint lost a substantial amount of money.

The eu393.com scam appears to have been carried out through multiple transactions. The victim was persuaded to send increasing amounts of money to what seemed like a legitimate investment opportunity.

However, attempts to withdraw funds were met with excuses, additional fees, and, ultimately, a loss of all the money invested.

The scam was done through cryptocurrency exchanges, targeting platforms like Binance and Bitget for cashouts and lesser-known cryptocurrency tokens like USDT.

The scammers communicated with the victim through various means, including phone numbers traced to countries such as Germany and the Netherlands. This suggests a well-organized operation that spans multiple jurisdictions.

The Bottom Line Regarding eu393.com

Recently, we’ve noticed a growing trend where many websites no longer feature a traditional homepage and instead direct visitors straight to a login page. This approach makes it nearly impossible to gather any information about the platform without creating an account, which is particularly concerning when investigating potential scams. In the case of eu393.com, the lack of a homepage makes it difficult to understand the true nature of the site. With no information available on Google or other search engines, it becomes even harder for potential victims to recognize the red flags before it’s too late.

This tactic could be a way for scammers to avoid reviews and scrutiny from people trying to investigate these platforms. If you’ve been scammed by sites like eu393.com or have experienced a similar situation, we encourage you to share your story. By sharing your experience, you can help others avoid falling into the same trap and provide much-needed insight into these deceptive practices.

If you have fallen victim to online scams, please comment below. If you have suffered a substantial financial loss, do not despair. We can help you trace your lost funds!

Get in touch with our affiliated Cryptocurrency Forensic Specialists at CNC Intelligence for free by filling out the form below.

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