Harvey Norman Text Scam >> A phishing scheme using SMS text messages impersonating Harvey Norman has been reported to Australia’s top fraud intelligence organisation.
The message informs the recipient that they have won a giveaway and links them to a webpage where they can claim their prize.
“Scamwatch has received complaints of a fake Harvey Norman text message requesting that you click on a link to claim a prize,” Scamwatch said in a tweet.
“Do not open the email or click on the link.”
Harvey Norman is one of many well-known Australian brands and businesses that have been impersonated in recent months by cyber criminals attempting to steal victims’ personal information and money, including NAB, CBA, Australia Post, Telstra, and Vodafone.
Australians fell victim to fraudsters to the tune of $851 million last year, with the real amount likely to be greater.
Tax season has historically been a popular period for scammers posing as ATO workers, as individuals are eager to get their tax returns or avoid running afoul of the taxman.
Meanwhile, the rise in popularity of cryptocurrencies has resulted in an increase in cryptocurrency-related frauds, with one claiming to offer a phoney SpaceX token developed by Elon Musk.

How to Recognize a Phishing Message
When a text or email is fake, a few red flags often appear.
They may avoid addressing you by name in favour of a generic greeting.
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Additionally, there may be problems in the email’s spelling, grammar, and overall style or layout.
Typically, the message conveys a feeling of urgency, such as by requesting a response within a certain time period.
If you are threatened with a penalty or even prison time, or if the offer seems too good to be true, it almost certainly is.
Users will virtually never be asked to provide their financial information through a link included in an email or text message sent by a trustworthy organisation.
Report Harvey Norman Text Scam
Report any suspicious calls, emails, or texts to www.netsafe.org.nz/report. While Netsafe is unable to start investigations into scams, it can assist and advise individuals who have lost money or personal information as a result of a fraud. Scam information is available on Netsafe’s website, www.netsafe.org.nz.
Scam emails should also be reported to the Electronic Messaging Compliance Team at the Department of Internal Affairs at scam@reportspam.co.nz. For more information, please visit www.dia.govt.nz.
Please contact privacy.officer@nz.harveynorman.com if you come across any frauds posing as Harvey Norman.
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