Susanna Reid and Richard Madeley of Good Morning Britain welcomed back Immie Swain, who collaborated with the program, the National Autistic Society, and the Autism Education Trust to create a film entitled “Immie’s Signs to Spot Autism.”
Over 24,000 schools in the United Kingdom will utilize the movie as part of their teachers’ toolbox to assist them in identifying youngsters with undiagnosed autism. According to GMB/TES research, 80% of instructors believe a lack of autism training has had a direct impact on their student’s education, and Immie wishes she had watched her video years earlier.

Immie mentioned her school issues, including how “very unpleasant” individuals were to her and how loud sounds sometimes irritated her.
Jonathan Swain, the senior news correspondent for the GMB, admitted to Susanna and Richard that he was ignorant of the symptoms before the diagnosis: “We had no clue.”
15-year-old Immie was diagnosed with autism just before beginning fifth grade. “In retrospect, there were so many signs that nobody saw,” she remarked.
“School is difficult and demanding, but we put on a brave front and act as if everything is OK.” It is called masking, and it is detrimental to our mental health. Autism may make school difficult, and we use a great deal of energy simply to get there. We are sensitive to stimuli like light, sound, and smell.
I would make excuses such as ‘I need a drink’ or ‘I need to use the toilet’ to avoid attending class. I was exhausted and needed rest. This helped me regain my energy, return to work, and continue my career.”
Immie disclosed with discomfort:
When things became too difficult for me, I was often discovered hiding in the restrooms or beneath the sink. I want a secure and calm environment in which to unwind. On the other side, teachers would approach me and order me to return to class.
My professors referred to them as “inappropriate outbursts of speech.” During this period, I often discussed a topic that I was passionate about. This was due to my discomfort or embarrassment, as well as the ambiguity of the social norms, so I would continue to talk about anything that interested me to feel included.
There were several occasions when I was completely mute due to school-related stress.
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She continued,”
“Because I had difficulty making friends, I was separated from the other students at school.” I used to read alone during my lunch breaks and mealtimes. I had difficulty with break and lunch since they were unstructured and I had no idea what to do with my time. Some children may have abdominal pain and an inability to eat. All of this is due to the tension caused by the break and lunch.”
Immie went on:
“I was concerned about disruptions to my school routine, such as a substitute instructor, a change in the seating arrangement, or someone sitting in my seat.” This is because I would get bewildered as a result. I would be unable to focus for the remainder of my class. We like obeying and sticking to rules.”
Teachers are essential, and I’ve had the pleasure of meeting several exceptional ones. These individuals were kind and thoughtful. They did not know I had autism at the time, nor did I, but they could see I needed assistance. And I would want to express my gratitude to these instructors in particular.”
Sometimes, I was unable to attend school. I used to weep while getting ready for school and again upon arrival. A teacher would attempt to lead me into the classroom and assist me in settling in. I’d slip into a nervous breakdown.
This is a physical condition. I would turn grey, tremble, vomit, and even flee. I used to run so far that I lost my bearings. In this situation, I would need to seek assistance from my parents.”
The National Autistic Society and the Autism Education Trust may offer instructors additional support and information.
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