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Spreadshirt Review – Print on Demand Service

Spreadshirt is a print on demand platform that is beneficial for both sellers and buyers. It helps designers reach more people and the best part is, designers do not have to worry about anything apart from creating attention grabbing visuals.

This type of portals are gaining a lot of steam recently and the kind of traffic they are receiving speaks for itself. If you are a buyer, then everything you need to know about them is easy to figure out with just a few clicks.

However, if you are a seller, then the kind of money you might make depends upon a lot of factors and you need to go through the entire article to get a good idea about the reality of the situation.

Like we mentioned before, the ratings they have earned is phenomenal and even sellers are more than happy to work with them. To understand their operational model thoroughly, we highly suggest you read this unbiased post.

We are pretty sure that it contains answers to all your queries. In case you are unable to find something specific, then leave a comment below and we will do our best to assist you. 

Spreadshirt Review

Spreadshirt Platform Explained

Spreadshirt platform is a bridge that connects designers and consumers. Designs by themselves are not that easy to sell and one of the best ways to monetize it is to slap it on something such as a t-shirt or a case. For sellers, it is difficult to get the materials, set up a plant and then get the product into the final form on their own.

We are not saying that it is daunting for everyone, but for most people, it is indeed a tedious process. On the flip side, buyers also have a hard time when it comes to getting certain types of clothes especially the meme type apparel. POD platforms like Spreadshirt bring costs down for designers and also give exposure to them.

This portal also enables buyers to find good deals. At the end of the day, it is a win-win situation for everyone involved. Of course, this firm will take a pretty fat cut from every sale, but the benefits they bring to the table are indeed exceptional.

There are alternatives to this service, but we cannot name any of them as the best because every single firm has its own set of merits and demerits. One of the good things about this service is that they offer quality customer support and all of their policies are transparent. From fees to almost everything related to payments, everything is revealed upfront. 

How to make money with Spreadshirt?

Many people think that it is easy to make money with a platform like this one. Sadly, making money is not that easy and there are a lot of things one needs to figure out before aiming for significant sales. First and foremost, the designs by themselves should be appealing and relevant to the current trends.

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    Few meme type content or quotes might fetch you a lot of sales in the beginning, but they won’t last for long. As you can see, success in this sector is not assured in any way and hard work is indeed required. To know the two methods one can employ to make sales with them, read the following paragraphs. 

    Selling Designs

    This is the option most people go for. If you are solely selling designs, then there is no upfront money required. Whenever Spreadshirt makes a sale, if your design is chosen by the buyer, then you will get a commission on it. As you can see, this platform provides sellers with exposure and it also helps in a lot of other ways.

    For starters, from handling inventory to setting up payment mechanics, everything is taken care of by them. Not to mention, they offer customer support as well. In terms of dollars, a typical sale will net designers anywhere between $3 to $5.

    Net commission per sale may be more or less than the range mentioned above. If you want to know accurate profit per sale, then contacting the support team is your best bet. If the designs are viral and trendy, then this platform will also help you market your product on other mediums for free.

    All in all, if you have a passion for designing, then there is nothing wrong with experimenting with them. Throw in your work and let the market gauge the real value.

    Setting up a shop

    Some people might be interested in running their own shop but still use the POD facility. Anyone can opt to work with this service and still run their own shop. You will have to use subdomains of Spreadshirt to set up the shop, but the rest of things will be handled by them.

    The main advantage of setting up your own shop is that you can set the price for every item. Note that, as soon as you open up your own store, for best results, you need to think about ways of driving traffic. Most common method used by sellers is the PPC ad campaigns, but that might not be suitable for everyone.

    Working with influencers might give you better returns. However, nothing is guaranteed and running ads will certainly cost you money. Due to the number of uncertainties present, do not be impulsive instead tread carefully. Trial and error is the only way to master this space and there’s no way around that. After all, nothing ever truly comes easy, right?

    Costs Involved

    One of the things we adore about Print on demand platforms is the low barrier to entry. If your goal is to primarily sell designs, then you will be delighted to know that there are no upfront costs involved. Apart from time it does not take anything to use their services.

    We were not able to talk with top earners present in this ecosystem. Nonetheless, based on general consensus, the chances of making considerable money is pretty low. Our advice to you is simple. Try them out and witness things firsthand.

    If you are satisfied with the results, then continue with them or you can always walk away from the portal. Compared to major alternatives, the money paid out by them is not that low either. 

    Contact Details

    This platform shares all of the contact information on their website. Even the working hours are mentioned precisely and user reviews clearly proves that they have a quality support team. Moreover, Spreadshirt is present on all social media platforms which means they have done a really good job in building their brand.

    In case you are wondering, now that the staff can be reached via email and telephone. Any firm that takes the job of assisting users well is bound to stay for long. After spending a few hours on this platform, we are glad to report that the entire experience is flawless.

    • Phone Number – +1 800 381 0815, +1 724-832-6550
    • Email – service@spreadshirt.com

    Spreadshirt User Reviews

    As Spreadshirt has been around for a long time, finding user ratings or reviews was a piece of cake. This platform has earned itself 4.3 star user rating and the sampling size is over 10,000. If you want to check out the comments, then feel free to use this link to land on the Trustpilot page.

    There are few complaints here and there from the users. However, all of the comments are answered by the firm and they do bring their best when it comes to providing assistance. 

    I’ve ordered from them almost 3 times already! It’s so cool to have your vision put on a shirt! Everytime the images have come out looking pretty good. Sometimes the color hues are a little deeper or lighter but overall the same. The only issue I’ve had really is my last item I ordered had some ink staining on the sleeves, it might have transferred from the print on the front when folded together in shipping, and also a small hole on the arm.

    This was my first time ordering a custom hat and the experience was very easy and the item arrived in good time and excellent condition. I am pleased with how this item turned out and think my son will love it too.

    Payment Options

    Sellers do not have to worry about handling invoices or literally anything because this firm takes care of everything related to payments. The platform supports Paypal and they ship worldwide as well. If you want to buy in bulk, then you can easily do so and it is going to bring the bill lower.

    We do not know whether there are any additional fees present. Shipping charges are revealed on the checkout page. Depending upon your location and urgency, the end amount is going to be determined. 

    Spreadshirt Bottom Line

    Spreadshirt is a platform that has a lot going for it. They are popular, profitable and respected in the sector. Many designers were able to monetize their skills via this interface. User experience is good and support is more than adequate.

    Moving on to the feedback aspect, you are literally one Google search away from finding input from thousands of users which is an accomplishment by itself. If you are a buyer, then order from them without any worries. On the flip side, if you are a designer, then feel free to try out this portal and put your skills to test.

    While the future of this space is extremely fragile, one thing we can say is that everyone should make hay while the sun shines. For any reason, if you get into trouble with this service, then reach out to us via the contact form and our experts will help you make informed decisions. 

    What do you think about Spreadshirt? Comment your answer below!

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