Ads & Beyond is marketed as a self service marketing platform. They do talk a little bit about the metrics and statistics of the digital advertising world. However, the fact that they don’t have any actual connections with the big firms becomes obvious once you take a close look at their model. The owners of this firm are experienced and skilled fraudsters.
Sadly, they do know their way around the law very well and the same entities are linked with other scams present in the sector as well. Their sales pitch is depicted via a small video on their homepage and we can guarantee you that it is convincing enough for most newbies. The kind of approach taken by them towards marketing themselves as an easy make money online opportunity is unethical and borderline criminal too.
At the time of writing this detailed report, thousands of people have lost a big chunk of their bank account to them and day by day, the number of victims are increasing. While you may be eager to start your journey in the digital world, we suggest you to always be cautious and if something seems way too easy, then most probably it will be a trap.
If you are a person who has a decent understanding about running marketing campaigns, then you can easily see through the fake narratives. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren’t aware of their flaws. So, take a close look at the following information and you will understand their real motives and goals.

Ads & Beyond Background and Incorporation
Ads & Beyond talks a lot about the general information about the digital advertising sector. Their sales pitch shows the average numbers of the marketing campaigns and they try their best to make the entire process seem easy. Whenever a newbie sees big numbers on the screen, they are more likely to be overwhelmed and it evokes the greed aspect.
Once the end user is hooked on the idea, he or she will spend at least a couple of thousand dollars and at the end of the day, the only one to walk away from this deal with money will be the creators. If you just ignore all the fluff on their platform and focus on the reality of the situation, you can easily notice that they haven’t shared the details about their management side.
Think for a moment, why is this firm that clearly has a grandiose nature not sharing details about their founders? Why are they shying away from being transparent? Thanks to the advancement of technology, we were able to find certain details about their incorporation and they are listed below. Given every fact about them, the only reason they want to be anonymous is to escape from the authorities without creating too many heated scenarios.
- Email –
- Phone – +61742124301
- Registration Number – 059954880
Customer Support Details
This platform is semi-automated and as such they need to prioritize giving a quality support team as all of the clients will not be geeky enough to find their own way. Generally speaking, customer support is the aspect using which you can gauge the way a firm cares about their customers.
If you are thinking about funding the account and start advertising certain niche related products, then the following few lines will introduce you to the manipulative side of this firm. First of all, the only way to get in touch with them is via email and the average response time is not revealed by them. In other words, if you do encounter problems or face any issues, chances of getting it resolved is less and the probability of losing money is exponentially more.
If this firm is really active for more than a decade, don’t you think they would have hired a qualified support team by now? The only reason most scams never share their contact details is to maintain a low profile and obviously they don’t want to leave any clues behind that might help the authorities track them. Note that lack of transparency is always a red flag and if you notice it on new firms, then it is not worth putting your money at risk with them.
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How does Ads & Beyond Work?
There is no clear explanation or diagram laid out for this question. According to their video, they supposedly have connections with hundreds of brands online that turn to them for marketing campaigns. They handle the processes present and bring together all the details and metrics under one roof and then give a chance to their clients to choose the niche they are interested in.
In simple words, they are selling a plug and play system that is said to earn its users passive income. The easy money idea peddled by them sounds and looks easy, but if you ask any professional marketers, they will tell you that the entire narrative is fake. There are marketers who make incredible ROI on every campaign, but to get to their level, one needs to have complete understanding about the trends, lookalike audience and other key metrics.
If you are just starting out, then you cannot simply start making 6 or 5 figures per month, because things are never really that easy. During our investigation, we found out that this firm is promising upto $16 EPC which stands for Earning per click. $16 EPC is something which is unheard of in the sector and if it was possible to make that kind of returns, we don’t think they would be sharing the secret with the users.
We know that it is difficult for us as humans to reject an offer that looks enticing, but you always need to have rational thinking and if something doesn’t make sense, then it is always better to walk away from it. Remember, greed is a very strong emotion and if you get blinded by it, it will leave a scar on you financially.
How much money is required to get started?
The people behind this platform have spent a lot of money on marketing and they need to cover their costs. The minimum amount required to get started with them is $5000 and the highest account type sells for over $100,000. For upgraded accounts, this platform does provide bonus stacks, but at the end of the day, all the value doesn’t add up to the price tag of the product.
$5000 is a big amount and it isn’t necessarily required to get started in this space. If you stick with Google or Facebook, the campaigns can be tested and launched with as low as $500 and the kind of tracking mechanisms presented by them are trusted and reliable. The higher end accounts are ridiculously priced and if anyone dares to test it out, then there is a good chance that they are going to lose it all.
This firm also has weird policies when it comes to counting the clicks and other metrics present in the marketing campaign. All in all, we didn’t find any things that add credibility to their name and with no many undeniable signs, anyone who deposits with them is bound to lose money sooner or later.
Target Audience
Ads & Beyond clearly knows the kind of people who are most likely to buy their product and they are heavily promoting themselves through certain platforms. Their targeting is on point and the kind of traffic they have achieved in so little time speaks for itself. Though we weren’t able to figure out their exact traffic sources, there is a pretty good chance that it is coming from PTC websites that typically targets people who are 20 to 60 years old.
In case if you are thinking about tracing the real culprits through their domain data, then know that it isn’t possible as the details are protected in the name of privacy concerns. In short, the way these scammers have perpetuated their scheme and have left no clues shows the kind of skill set they have and it isn’t a good sign from the client’s perspective.
- Domain –
- Registered On – 29/05/2019
- Expiry – 29/05/2021
- Alexa Global Rank- 3,995,881
What does the testimonials say?
If everything this firm says is true, then they would have an immense following and literally everyone would be talking about the opportunities given to them by this firm. In other words, this platform would have got tons of testimonials and user feedback floating on the internet. If you input this firm’s name on any search engine, you won’t be able to find any comments about them because in reality they haven’t done anything worthwhile to their user base.
Lack of evidence along with lack of sufficient data or transparency means only one thing, this firm is not trustworthy and as such anyone who associates themselves with them will lose something valuable sooner or later. Also, note that this firm has a very aggressive sales team and if they ever get in touch with you, never give them your credit card details. They might say all the right things in the beginning, but ultimately they will wipe out a big portion of your savings account.
Recover Funds from Ads & Beyond Scam
Online scams are becoming a common thing and after analysing the data over the years, it doesn’t look like the end time is near for the crooks. New things like e-wallets, cryptocurrencies are making tracing harder and the average consumer isn’t aware of any of the processes involved in recovering funds from scams.
If you have lost money to Ads & Beyond, then let us know the details of the incident via the contact form. Also, don’t forget to share general information about the incident in the comment’s section so that other users can be cautious and know the kind of things to look out for.
Regardless of the payment method you used, our team can trace the details for you and let you know the best way to make the scammers pay up. Moreover, we offer all of our services for free which means you literally have no reason to let the crooks slide from the scene.
Ads & Beyond Review Conclusion
Ads & Beyond is a modified type of make money online platform that is using a lot of exaggerated comments and twisted narratives to market themselves. They are not affiliated with any big names in the industry and the chances of clients making money with them is almost zero. The costs involved and the pricing of the ad packages are ridiculous and it doesn’t make any sense to use any of their services.
If you are interested in starting out in the digital space, then we advise you to stick with the reputable options only and never pour in big money at the start. Also, turn down any platform that promises to get you instant results like this platform does.
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