In this post, we are going to expose a viral scam which is gaining traction mainly through Facebook. Are you interested in receiving $75 worth groceries along with a $25 voucher just by sharing a post? Who wouldn’t take up this offer, right? Sadly, these types of claims are always too good to be true and the people orchestrating this will certainly have hidden agendas.
This time around the crooks are mainly after the people’s sensitive information and gauging by the number of victims, they have really exceeded previous milestones. The internet is becoming dangerous day by day and if the end users do not learn about the way the things in general work, then the risks are surreal.
Organisations like Better Business Bureau and many more are doing their best to alert the public in advance, but judging by the data so far, it is really too little too late. So, given the gravity of the situation, continue reading our detailed review till the end and know everything about the Aldi Food Box Scam.

What is Aldi Food Box Scam?
Aldi Food Box Scam is Facebook post spam which has managed to reach a lot of people by employing deceptive practices. Their main intention is to entice people to click on the link and forward them to their social circle.
After all, the more targets they have, the more they can loot, right? The Post contains the messages from the alleged CEO of Aldi Food Box who claim to offer as much as $75 worth groceries and $25 voucher for every individual who shares the post. It also states that the promo event is mainly carried out to mark their 75th anniversary.
The fake Aldi Food Box has built a Page on Facebook in order to look authentic. However, do not confuse them with Aldi USA which is a legitimate organisation that has been around for decades.
According to many online sources, the content from the Fake Aldi Store page has been deleted and as the hustle gained more momentum than anticipated, the crooks are trying to get rid of all the data.
Intentions of Aldi Food Box Scam
Before we can answer this question, you need to ask yourself, is Aldi Food Box a Scam? Well, the Aldi USA company certainly is not a scam. However, the fake promotions conducted on Facebook using their name is a fancy hustle.
Just to be on the safer side, always keep an eye on the brands you are following or interacting with on social media and if the account is not verified, then do not entertain any of their content. Like all other scams out there, this one also has an agenda and it is to get access to your sensitive information and then use it to wipe your account clean.
Moreover, they are also known to spread malwares and use data of the victims for other sinister purposes.
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Malware – As soon as you click any suspicious link, the first thing it usually does is compromise your firewall settings and other defense mechanisms set up by default on your computer. Once it has successfully installed the trojans, you will witness slow speeds and eventually things will only get worse.
You might spend some money on anti-virus, but don’t think that it will protect your computer against every threat. On the flip side, do back up your computer on a regular basis so that even if something out of the blue happens, you will be prepared for it.
Phishing – Phishing is the most common type of attack carried out by the crooks online. Their goal is to trick the users into submitting confidential details by portraying themselves as a legit payment gateway or by posing as reputable brands. Once they have got all the information they need, it will be easy for them to basically log into the victim’s bank account and transfer any amount of money they want.
In the past, it was relatively easy to recover stolen funds as most of the time credit cards were used which were easy to trace. However, now the cryptocurrencies seems to be the perfect fit for their needs. Always remember, it might be difficult to trace them but it isn’t something which is impossible.
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Identity Theft – Identity theft is the side effect of phishing attacks. Scammers love to mess with your data and they can use it for several purposes. From committing financial fraud to meddling around with your insurance policies, the amount of choices available to them is abundant to say the least.
How to be Safe from these types of scams?
The internet is evolving at a rapid phase which might make it difficult for all the age groups to be updated with all the latest trends. Nonetheless, there are certain rules which you need to follow to remain safe while surfing the web.
First of all, do not use any kind of modified pirated apps or software as it will be infested with malares. Secondly, regularly check your firewall settings and update the antivirus programs to the latest version available.
Lastly, remember to use and interact with platforms you are familiar with and if you find any abnormalities like typos or other suspicious activities, then report it to the concerned authorities as soon as possible.
Aldi is a supermarket chain which has earned itself a loyal following over the years. The scammers behind Aldi Food Box Scam are just exploiting the name “ALDI” to reach their goals and gain credibility in the eyes of the public.
If you come across any similar posts like the ones we discussed on today’s post, then do everyone a favor by reporting it immediately and at any cost, do not click on the cloaked links.
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