Bitcode Prime Scam is on fire right now. The crooks operating this bogus trading platform are marketing themselves in a perfect manner that is almost irresistible to all the newbies. Their website is full of exaggerated claims and empty promises, but guess what?
Disclaimer section clearly suggests otherwise and anyone that associates with them is likely to lose all of their funds. Moreover, the gimmicks used by them are plenty and testimonials featured by them are all questionable. On third party forums, they have received few inputs and most of them are unverifiable stories.
To know the risks present with this firm, continue reading this post which will help you make informed choices. If you are scammed by this platform, fill out the contact form below and our team will help you retrieve the funds at the earliest.

Bitcode Prime Software
Bitcode Prime trading software is marketed as an AI driven trading algorithm that supposedly helps anyone make money via the crypto markets. In theory, the explanation sounds good and enticing. However, the key details are missing and many metrics are not transparent.
Simply put, the entire thing is a sales funnel that peddles get-rich quick narratives. Algorithms have no verifiable edge and the owners of this system have a ridiculous amount of conflict of interest with the clients. Also, they work with offshore brokers which means there is no such thing as security present.
Making money from the crypto markets is possible, but it isn’t necessarily easy. So, always be cautious when you are presented with too good to be true offers and never make a decision before talking with your financial planner.
How does their algorithm work?
Algorithms and other automated forms of trading have been around for decades now. Most systems fail in the long term and there is no miraculous fix to the underlying issue which is adaptation capability. Bitcode Prime does not mention the way their algorithms select the trades.
There is pretty much no information about the metrics they use or the risk management plan it follows. Trading history is not provided and the lack of data is beyond unjustifiable.
To rephrase the statement, they expect us to believe them blindly which is obviously an unwise thing to do. Whenever you spot a lot of loose ends, flaws with the explanation and other transparency issues, always walk away.
Bitcode Prime Profit Claims
This software masks their claims pretty well by making generic statements. In their demo accounts, the win rate will be huge, but the data feed isn’t precise and things are not as straightforward as it seems. No direct profit claims are made. However, they have a liability clause and it clearly proves that despite what they advertise, they do not guarantee anything.
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In other words, the chances of making money with them is too little and the amount of risk present is sky high. Making consistent profits requires effort and risk management. If anyone claims to show you the shortcut, then most probably it is a hoax.
Fake Testimonials
There are many testimonials featured on their web page. As expected, all of the profiles are hard to verify and the identity of their so-called clients do have a lot of flaws. Lack of clarity with little to no social proof is displayed by them and it gives a clear glimpse about their moral compass.
Only shady companies feature things that are unverifiable because the only thing they care about is their image. If you ever notice inconsistency in the story or if something is not as transparent as it could have been, then do yourself a favor and walk away.
Remember, the goal is to put safety above greed. After all, if you are conservative, then you can easily dodge the danger in most cases.
Is Bitcode Prime Scam or Legit Trading Bot?
Bitcode Prime is a scam. They have not received any media attention. Scammers behind the platform work with offshore brokers on a commission basis. Creators use their resources to build a sales funnel and get paid for every user they refer to the entities mentioned above. Naturally, they are inclined towards using gimmicks to entice the public and they have no ethical values whatsoever.
Plus, the demo accounts provided by them are also not perfect. Win rates are usually high on the virtual account, but if you ever decide to take risk with a real account, then chances are you will lose all your funds in a short period of time. Given every aspect about them, the best thing to do is avoid them.
Losing money to crypto scams is a painful thing. If you are reading this post before interacting with them, then consider yourself lucky and avoid proceeding with Bitcode Prime.
In case you already got scammed by them, then reach out to us using the contact form below. We will help you with the fund tracing and help you get your money back within a few weeks.
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