a Scam? Key Warning Signs - Review is a platform that markets itself as a fixed investment opportunity with the promise of a 20% weekly return on investment (ROI). While such high returns can be enticing, they are also highly unrealistic and indicate potential fraud. This article will explore the various red flags associated with, shedding light on why potential investors should exercise caution before engaging with this platform.

Review of, launched on June 12, 2023, presents itself as a lucrative fixed investment platform, offering investors a weekly return on investment (ROI) of 20%. Despite these enticing promises, several red flags suggest that the platform may not be as reliable or legitimate as it claims. operates without any regulatory oversight, which raises immediate concerns about its credibility and the safety of investor funds.

The platform lacks a presence on social media, preventing potential users from accessing real-time feedback and community support. Additionally, the website does not disclose its trading fees, which could lead to unexpected investor charges. The requirement for a referral code to sign up indicates a possible pyramid scheme structure, and the absence of effective customer support further undermines the platform’s reliability. These issues collectively paint a picture of a platform investors should approach cautiously.

Red Flags on

  1. Unregulated: operates without any regulatory oversight, which is a significant red flag. Legitimate investment platforms must have proper licensing and regulation to adhere to financial laws and protect investors’ interests. does not display any trading license or regulatory approval on its website. This lack of transparency and regulatory compliance increases investors’ risk of fraud and financial loss.
  2. No Social Media Presence: A notable concern is the complete absence of from social media platforms. Social media presence is crucial for modern businesses as it provides a channel for customer engagement, transparency, and updates. The lack of any social media presence suggests that the platform is attempting to avoid scrutiny and prevent potential investors from easily accessing reviews and feedback from other users.
  3. Unclear Trading Fees: does not provide clear information regarding its trading fees. Transparent fee structures are essential for investors to understand the costs associated with their trades and investments. The absence of this information could lead to unexpected charges, significantly impacting investment profitability. This lack of clarity is a warning sign of potential hidden costs and deceptive practices.
  4. Referral Code Requirement: A referral code is mandatory to sign up for Coinshare.Live. Without this code, new users cannot create an account. This requirement is unusual and raises suspicions about the platform’s intentions. It suggests a potential pyramid scheme structure where existing users are incentivized to recruit new members, creating a cycle that benefits the platform at the expense of genuine investment returns.

No Customer Support on

Customer support is a critical component of any legitimate investment platform., however, lacks any form of effective customer support. Users have reported difficulties in contacting the platform for assistance or resolving issues, further indicating its untrustworthiness. The absence of reliable customer support can leave investors vulnerable, especially if they encounter problems with their accounts or transactions.

Investment Plans 

  1. 10% Weekly Return
    Minimum Investment: $100
    Maximum Investment: $5,000
  2. 12% Weekly Return
    Minimum Investment: $5,000
    Maximum Investment: $20,000
  3. 12% Monthly Return
    Minimum Investment: $100,000
    Maximum Investment: $700,000
  4. 20% Monthly Return
    Minimum Investment: $700,000
    Maximum Investment: Unlimited

Referral Code Requirement

One of the most troubling aspects of is its mandatory referral code requirement for new users to sign up. This requirement is highly unusual for legitimate investment platforms and raises several red flags. Typically, genuine investment platforms allow users to sign up freely without needing an invitation from existing members. The necessity of a referral code suggests a possible pyramid scheme or multi-level marketing structure, where the primary focus is recruiting new members rather than the actual investment products or services.

This method benefits early entrants who can generate income through recruitment, while later entrants may struggle to see any returns on their investments. Furthermore, the reliance on a referral system can obscure the platform’s performance metrics, making it difficult for potential investors to verify its legitimacy and effectiveness independently. This lack of transparency and the inherent risks of pyramid schemes make the referral code requirement a significant red flag for potential investors.

Low Trust Score and Limited Reviews has a notably low trust score and limited user reviews, raising serious concerns about its credibility. When checking platforms like Trustpilot, we found only four reviews. The sparse number of reviews indicates that is not well-known or widely used, which could be a sign of its questionable legitimacy. Moreover, the existing reviews are mixed, with some users expressing dissatisfaction with the platform’s services and concerns about its reliability.

The lack of substantial feedback makes it difficult for potential investors to gauge the platform’s performance and trustworthiness. A low trust score on independent review sites also often reflects poor customer experiences and potential issues with the platform’s operations. This lack of transparency and user feedback is a significant red flag, suggesting that may not be a secure or reliable investment option.

Review Conclusion exhibits numerous red flags that potential investors should not ignore. The platform operates without regulatory oversight, lacks a social media presence, and lacks clear information about trading fees. The mandatory referral code for sign-up suggests a potential pyramid scheme, further undermining its credibility. Additionally, has a low trust score and very few user reviews on platforms like Trustpilot, indicating limited popularity and raising concerns about its legitimacy.

These factors, combined with the unrealistic promise of high returns, strongly suggest that may not be a trustworthy investment platform. Investors should exercise extreme caution and consider more transparent and regulated alternatives to safeguard their investments. Conducting thorough research and choosing platforms with proven track records is essential for avoiding scams and ensuring a secure investment experience.

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    2 thoughts on “ a Scam? Key Warning Signs”

    1. This operation operates out of a duplex. Apartment 557 ot 559. Cars at that location are old. No 800 number. Their email is a free service.

      1. Hi James,

        Thank you for your comment. We appreciate your vigilance in identifying potential red flags. Based on our comprehensive review of, we have identified several key issues that raise serious concerns about the platform’s legitimacy.

        Given these red flags, we strongly advise potential investors to exercise extreme caution when dealing with

        If you or anyone else has further experiences or information about, please share them here. Additionally, if you have been scammed for a substantial amount, we are here to assist you in recovering your funds. Feel free to reach out to us for support.

        Best regards,
        The Cyber Scam Review Team

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