Hadi Supply Scam is a platform which is designed to take money primarily from people located in the United States in the name of holiday shopping. At the time of writing this review, the official website of this firm is down and it doesn’t look like they will ever get back online again. Almost everyone who input their card details or other sensitive information is at risk and a lot of victims have already lost hundreds to thousands of dollars to this fraudulent firm.
Hadi Supply was mainly known for their competitive prices on electronic gadgets and they were the very first ones to offer Ps5 for sale. However, like many of us anticipated, all of the offers, discounts turned out to be too good to be true and their real agendas were nasty to say the least.
In the world of online shopping, good deals are relatively easy to find, but you shouldn’t jump on every opportunity without doing proper research. As far as this platform is considered, keep on reading this blog post to know all their dirty secrets and tricks.

What is the Hadi Supply Scam?
Hadi Supply Scam is the name given by the public to an online platform which claims to sell all kinds of everyday products(from gadgets to appliances). Their platform was similar to Amazon, but their product offerings range was not that wide. One of their hottest selling products was Ps5.
They had both the digital and disc versions way ahead of most reputable platforms in the niche. Their pricing was also on point and in some cases like near the holiday season, they used to offer huge discounts too.
Undoubtedly, many people were charmed by the narratives they saw and booked the product without any hesitation. Sadly, none of them received the product and they didn’t even get a chance to apply for a refund.
What does the Platform Offer?
On their homepage, this platform claimed to offer more than 3000 products. Unfortunately, we never got to check or verify their product ranges as there were no linked pages. From the materials and various other archived pages we found on the internet, they seemed to give utmost importance on appliances and electronic gadgets.
Note that, this platform is also linked to a web on online scams and their speciality is to pop up during holiday or special occasions such as Independence Day, Mother’s Day, etc,. And offer items at ridiculous prices, collect all the money in the name of pre-orders or bulk orders and disappear. Furthermore, they will have the details of the credit cards of the victims which can be used by them at any time in any manner.
Clearly, the kind of risk present is imminent and one should never take chances with any platform which isn’t reputable. Remember, we are not saying that you shouldn’t shop on new websites, but while making the payments always use safer methods such as Paypal or other e-wallets to shield yourself from any kind of threats which might arise.
Intentions of the Crooks
Online shopping has come a long way over the years. However, the one thing which has stayed consistent throughout the journey is the number of scams perpetrated around this sector. Nowadays, people have to be very cautious while buying anything online and for best experience you should enable the 2FA method to all your accounts.
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Keep in mind that there is no miraculous solution to combat hackers or scammers online, but being educated will improve your odds. Moving on to the intentions of the crooks, their main goal is to make profits and they do it by taking money in promise of delivering you certain goods or by storing your banking information.
Either Way, you can’t access the extent of the damage caused by them until they cash out. So, don’t give them a chance to meddle with your account instead block or freeze the associated cards and bank accounts immediately. Thanks to the advancement of technology, any card or account can be blocked immediately just by calling the bank or accessing the official online portals.
Payment Methods
Hadi Supply supported Paypal, Visa, MasterCard and American Express. During our investigation, we quickly figured out that Paypal option though mentioned by them were never active. If they accepted Paypal payments, then it would have been much easier to track them down, but given their traits, it looks like the fraudsters were experienced and skilled.
If you ever filled out their payment forms, then we strongly advise you to ditch your credit cards and get a new one. Just to be on the safer side when shopping online make use of e-wallets as they will provide you with an additional layer of security.
As this platform was a bogus one, they never mentioned anything about the refund or exchange policies. Moreover, even the shipping and tracking details were never provided on any orders.
Recovery Money from Hadi Supply Scam
We understand that the number of scams lurking on the internet is growing at a pace which simply can’t be stopped. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t get your money back from them. If you have ever lost money on the internet, then the best thing to do would be to ask your bank officials for the chargebacks(if payment is done through credit or debit cards) and they will happily do the needful.
Sadly, some scams are clever and they bounce the money from numerous entities which prevents the banks from acting out independently. For any reason if you aren’t able to get your money back, then all you have to do is fill out the contact form under this post or leave a comment below.
Once you get in touch with our experts with the details, they will assess your case and look for the best possible solution in the shortest period of time. Best of all, our services are free which means you literally have no reason to give it a try.
Is Hadi Supply a Scam?
Given the number of red flags found on their platform, lack of transparency or ethical constructs and blatant lies, it is clear that this platform is nothing more than a scam. They are just creating fake websites with attractive prices to catch the attention of the public and lure them into making the purchase.
Once they have access to your funds, they will quickly escape the scene and leave all the customers empty handed. So, to ensure your own safety, avoid interacting with them.
Hadi Supply Scam is a very viral hustle that targeted the people located in the United States. It looted a lot of people and ever since they achieved their goal, their platform has been down. While the past cannot be changed, do not be discouraged from filing a complaint with your local authorities. After all, the more data authorities gather, the easier it is going to be for them to track down the criminals.
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