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Jeremy Cash Forex Review – Hype or Not?

Nowadays, the number of “Gurus” in any niche is exploding and they are all getting a massive following on social media. Everyone claims to be an expert and thanks to the advancement of the internet, literally anyone can build authority in a matter of a couple of months.

While the majority of these types of so-called entrepreneurs who sell lifestyle images instead of bringing value to the clients go bust within a short period of time.

The craze and enthusiasm they have created doesn’t necessarily come to an end. Coming to the core essence of today’s post, we are going to take an in-depth look at an internet personality i.e,. Jeremy Cash.

If you are someone who is interested in getting started with affiliate marketing or forex. Then, chances are you are already familiar with the content Jeremy creates.

It is true that he has dabbled with more than one niche, but if you are sitting on the fence when it comes to trusting him. It is your lucky day, because in this article we will provide you with all the information about him so that you can make an informed decision.

Jeremy Cash Forex Review

Who is Jeremy Cash Forex?

Jeremy is a popular Youtube creator who has a subscriber base of more than 155,000. He is primarily a vlogger who puts educational content on Youtube regarding the financial markets and different methods of affiliate marketing.

He has been active on social media for more than 5 years and in terms of reputation, he indeed has earned a loyal following. Recently, many fellow creators have criticized his content and a lot of debate on this topic is being done.

We will discuss both the good side and the bad side which will ultimately give you all the metrics you need to create a personal bias. Moving on, know that apart from the fact that Jeremy is from the United States, there isn’t much information available about his personal life.

We feel the lack of personal history is not a concern as many people on the internet try to maintain a low profile of their personal affairs due to security reasons.

Forex Trading and Methods

Forex trading volume exceeds 6 trillion dollars a day and is one of the most leveraged instruments available today. Many people dream about trading full time as it provides individuals with time freedom while also enabling them to work from anywhere (also known as laptop lifestyle).

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    On the down low, the thing with most kinds of trading is that more than 90% of the participants lose and the main attributing fact to that is the lack of real understanding of the markets. We gave you a quick overview of the statistics of the market because it is absolutely critical for your survival to know the type of odds you are up against.

    The content on the Jeremy Cash Forex channel for over the last year or so has always been about the ways he has managed to flip an account from a few hundred dollars to a couple of thousand dollars. Basically, he is bragging about his trading style while dropping a few information regarding the market structure.

    To an absolute beginner, this kind of video might be exciting, but an experienced person can easily see the flaws present in them. For starters, he never puts out a video before an event occurs and when he does upload a video, it usually is showcasing the profits only.

    He has shared the experience of going through losses on his channel, but compared to the sketchy titles, it seems like a marketing gimmick. The educational topics discussed by him mostly revolve around the concepts of RSI and support and resistance which are well known to many traders.

    The issue with those concepts is that there is a lot of confusion about the effectiveness of using them to trade and unless you know how to handle the drawdowns, chances are you will never succeed. Of course, the information provided by him is for educational purposes only, but in our opinion it is not unique enough to create value.

    Affiliate Marketing

    Jeremy dedicated a lot of time when it comes to creating content regarding affiliate marketing. He shows how to set up a site from scratch, the ways to drive traffic and more importantly the monetization methods.

    He appears to be a fan of the CPA model which is short for cost per acquisition. Compared to the forex videos, his affiliate marketing videos are exceptional and practical. Affiliate marketing has got a ton of potential and once you start to leverage the power of the internet, then there is no stopping you.

    Moreover, compared to a lot of businesses online, affiliate marketing is the cheapest to begin with and on the flip side, the sky’s the limit as far as income is considered. If you are thinking about generating traffic from the search engines via blogging, then you won’t have much risk apart from putting in time.

    However, if you want to run social media ads and display ads, then be extremely careful especially if you are new to the sector. Many people online brag about the ROI generated by ads, but there is a dark side to it. If the costs and revenue are not closely monitored, then they will put a big dent on your bank account. 

    Feedback from the Public

    The reputation of anything online can be gauged by looking at the social proof. After all, in today’s online world, nothing can be hidden or suppressed for long, right? Jeremy’s channel was pretty much unnoticed for the initial few years.

    However, things went viral once he started talking about the forex markets. The reviews about him give mixed reactions. Some people love his raw videos showing profits. While others hate him for being misleading (allegedly).

    The main issue seems to be about transparency. People feel that the content produced by him encourages people to open trading accounts with offshore brokers who are shady.

    On the other hand, there is certainly one upside to choosing non-US brokers which is leverage. Given the history of unregulated brokers, unless you are dealing with low amounts you can afford to lose, you should never proceed with them.

    Is Jeremy Cash Forex a Scam?

    Not exactly.

    We have personally never tried any of the methods teached by Jeremy Cash Young CEO channel. So, we cannot comment about it. Generally speaking, his claims are way too unrealistic for the average trader out there and if newbies try his method, then the risk of losing your entire account is sky high.

    If you are eager to try out his advice and replicate his style, then make use of the demo account to prevent any kind of losses. After analysing his business model, we feel that a large chunk of his income was from referral programs from the brokers.

    Though, there is nothing wrong with making money from CPA, many people feel that his tactics to generate traffic might have crossed a line in terms of morale.

    Jeremy Cash Forex Review Conclusion

    Jeremy Cash Forex at the end of the day seems to be a channel which is designed to work as a marketing funnel. They redirect all of their viewers to brokers via affiliate links. Moreover, the brokers shown on screen are not regulated in the United States, which means they are all unsafe.

    So, our best advice for you is to watch and learn from the videos and apply the methods in demo accounts first. Once you are comfortable, then you can go ahead and open a real account with regulated entities.

    Are you a follower of Jeremy Cash CEO youtube channel? Do you find the content put out by him useful? Share your opinions with our readers by commenting below.

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