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L7 Trade Scam – Truth Exposed

L7 Trade was a hot product in the financial sector. They claimed to use some modified type of arbitrage principle to make as much as 4% profits daily. Their platform was well designed, and it was a no-brainer that most newbies fell for this sophisticated scam. L7 Trade claimed to be under the radar of CySec, and they even had the guts to feature a phony registration number on their website.

As we look into it, the number of things wrong with this firm keeps growing. So, to get a complete idea about this company’s intentions, motives, and goals, continue reading our comprehensive report till the end. 

L7 Trade Scam

License and Platform Details

The regulation hasn’t caught up to the crypto sector and its offerings. Every day, a new ICO seems to pop up, and statistically, more than 95% of them are guaranteed to end up worthless.

Given the hype around cryptocurrencies and the naive nature of many participants, it has become a God-sent for scammers and crooks. L7 Trade features the registration details on their platform, but there isn’t much information available apart from the license number.

This firm accepts people from all over the world, which means they must be regulated by multiple authorities such as the FTC and FCA. During our research, we didn’t find any information about this firm from any regulatory body, which means they are bluffing about their legal status. If you ever make the mistake of trusting them with your money, then know that the security of your funds is never guaranteed, and the chances of losing the entire capital amount is sky high.

The trading interface provided by the L7 Trade looks sophisticated, but in reality, it is nothing more than a fancy gimmick designed to make themselves look professional. In case you were wondering, they only communicate with the clients via email and telegram.

Given their ridiculous attempts to maintain a low profile, aren’t they scared of the regulators?

How Does the L7 Trade Scam Work?

This firm claims to make money for themselves and their clients via crypto trading. According to their investment plans, the clients can make anywhere between 1% to 4% ROI daily. All of their claims sound good in theory, but when it comes to execution, things will take an ugly turn quickly.

First of all, we as potential customers, are not given access to a demo account, so we can’t test them out without risking our money. Secondly, no credible evidence or trading history supports their statements. Moreover, the details of their fund managers are also kept secret.

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    Simply put, they expect the public to trust them based on their empty promises, and as rational human beings, we can never do that. If they did have an approach to making risk-free profits, would they give it away to the public for free?

    Profits Advertised

    Like all the Ponzi programs on the internet, this one also makes exaggerated claims about the profit potential. They advertise returns of over 4% daily and dare to call those kinds of numbers as easily and risk-free.

    Cryptocurrencies are a relatively new category in the financial sector, and most people, for some reason, seem to look at them as an easy way to make money. Sadly, that is not the case, and unless you invested in the early 2000s, do not expect to make 1000x returns anytime soon.

    As far as this firm is concerned, they have no real source of income, and they don’t have anything to do with trading. Their main goal is to transfer money from the client’s bank account to their pocket using sketchy tactics, narratives, and illegal mechanisms. 

    L7 Trade Ponzi Model Explained

    L7 Trade is not the first popular platform that followed the Ponzi operational model to get cash flow. Sadly, many people still do not recognize the classic traits, and we firmly believe that as long as the retail side is not educated, the scams can never be eradicated. L7 Trade boasts about its abilities all day long, but when it comes to keeping its firm afloat, they have to use the cash deposited by the new customer to pay out the older clients.

    Obviously, due to the way the scheme itself is set up, it is designed to collapse as soon as the marketing campaigns yield negative returns. Once the pyramid collapses, the crooks will get away with their share of the revenue and distribute the rest to the marketers and peddlers before the dust settles. As they mainly deal with cryptocurrencies, the average retail investor will not be able to track them down, and eventually, they will give up hope.

    Whenever the payments are made through wire transfers or debit/credit cards, the banks will show you the process of tracing the receiver, but for cryptocurrency transactions, they won’t be able to help. However, that doesn’t mean it is impossible. So, don’t accept defeat just yet, and understand that all you have to do is contact a reputed recovery agency with all the modern forensic tools to get the job done.

    Is L7 Trade involved with markets in any way?

    The connection with L7 Trade and markets is imaginary, and that is the case for almost all the Ponzi schemes out there. Fake investment platforms and firms always use the trading narrative to exploit the newbie investor’s greed. The criminals know that most beginners are searching for holy grail strategies. As they don’t have much experience, they are the ideal audience who will believe the ridiculous narratives thrown at them.

    If this company were involved with trading or mining, it would have shown third-party audit reports and verifiable trading history on its website. The fact that they haven’t provided any proof means they have no link to the actual markets and exchanges. After all, if their records were transparent, do you believe they would be pushing their services on the Internet instead of running a hedge fund? 

    Administrative Side

    The owners of licensed and regulated firms are always interested in maintaining a good relationship with the public as it affects their reputation directly. Over the years, firms have utilized a lot of ways and means, such as hosting events and free seminars, to establish their authority and provide value to the customers before asking them for any payment.

    Now, we live in an online world, and while there are tons of opportunities it presents, there are huge downsides in the system as well. For starters, it is easier than ever before for anyone to fake anything they want. Crooks often pretend to be the know-it Gurus, and their only job is to hype their audience into buying the things they peddle.

    At the end of the day, they will provide nothing of value, and the information they put up is rarely verifiable. In other words, if they don’t share much information about their whereabouts and ignore the user experience aspect, it is not worth proceeding with them in any way.

    Aggressive Marketing Tactics

    All the fraudulent firms are coming up with new narratives only for one reason: to hustle the people. To get more eyeballs to their offer, a typical scam spends massive amounts of money running advertisements and buying favorable reviews online. Sadly, they even run a few review sites, too, which only pushes favorable content towards them.

    Conversely, all promoters and affiliates divert much web traffic in exchange for fat commissions. Ultimately, the entire risk will be carried by unsuspecting investors who don’t have enough knowledge about the mechanics involved.

    Whenever you see a platform with no reputable background making big and bold claims and advertising itself everywhere, do not be inclined towards putting your money on it. Remember, the only way to make money in the markets is by having a mathematical edge, and if anyone suggests otherwise, then he or she is most likely profiting off of you.

    Affiliate Program

    Whenever you search for reviews online, you need to be extra careful, as one wrong move or judgment might cost you a lot. L7 Trade has earned itself many positive reviews online, and many shady websites promote it as they provide high commission rates.

    Anyone who redirects web traffic to this platform gets paid as much as 20% of the total revenue gained by them. Due to the loopholes in the system, people promoting these types of brands cannot be held directly liable, and that’s why many people with access to web traffic are taking advantage of high-ticket offers like this one.

    So, if you ever land on a platform that favors L7 Trade, then know that they intentionally mislead you for big fat commissions.


    Strangely enough, this platform hasn’t got many reviews online. The people behind the scam seem to be professionals, and they know the ways to control negative comments about them online.

    Nonetheless, we did find some dirt on them on Bitcointalk.org, and below, you can find all the information you need to conclude.

    Hi there! Website is not working. Any news from the project?

    Hope it is not final and people will not loose their money.

    Looks like game is over now. All Telegram chats were buzzing about scam of L7 all the night. Many people lost their money.

    On October 18, 2023, one of our partners received a complaint from someone who reported being scammed for $2,000,000 by L7.trade and Cloud Token.

    How to Recover Bitcoin from L7 Trade Scam

    The L7 Trade scam accepts money mainly in the form of cryptocurrencies. If you have ever indulged with them using traditional payment methods, we highly suggest you block your old card and apply for a new one.

    While raising a dispute with the credit card company can get you your money back if you have made the payment using the card, for the most part, it will be a hit or a miss. Many people are under the impression that cryptocurrencies are untraceable and, as a result, cannot be recovered, but that is not the case anymore.

    Several reputable recovery agencies are helping people get their money back, but stick with the reputable ones for better results. Alternatively, you can use the form below to contact our team, and we will do everything possible to assist you. 

    L7 Trade Review Conclusion

    L7 Trade is a Ponzi program that will bite the dust sooner or later. Many regulatory bodies have issued warnings against schemes like this one, and given their nature, the clients are guaranteed to end up with nothing in their pockets.

    Moreover, this platform has already disabled their web address, which means they are on the verge of taking everyone’s money with them, and they will disappear forever shortly.

    Were you involved with the L7 Trade Trading platform? Are you looking for ways to get your money back from them? Please complete the form below and let our experienced team handle the rest.

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    1 thought on “L7 Trade Scam – Truth Exposed”

    1. They took my £85,000 proffering false advice and aggresive tactics to get you to invest where you will lose money. Your losses are their gains .I am embarrassed to admit this being a businessman that cannot be easily fooled. Strategy is to build your trust and then bump you. Also have a system of bonuses which locks in capital apprecistion until 40 x bonus value achieved in profits. This will never happen in the real world. A scam of great proportions and not recommended at all. DO NOT INVEST WITH THIS COMPANY. I was lucky to found help while searching on the reviews on google, with an expert on Binary,forex and bitcoin trade funds recovery.

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