Lloyd Alert Scam Messages >> LLOYDS BANK has issued a warning to British citizens after the discovery of a new and convincing fraud method that has the potential to cause people to lose money.
Because Lloyds Bank is well-known and widely utilised, it is regrettably possible for unscrupulous individuals to take advantage of the brand. This was the case for one lady who called the police to report a “new SMS fraud. The lady in issue took to social media to share an odd text message she received about her bank account activities.

Lloyd Alert Scam Formats
According to Lloyds, the notice says, “Lloyds Fraud Alert: Your account was recently used to attempt a £300 transaction at Argos at 18:36 on 06/08/21.
If you initiated the transaction, choose ‘Y.’
“If you did not finish this transaction, please reply with the letter ‘N,’ and one of our team members will contact you as soon as possible.”
Britons are understandably concerned about the alleged action done on their behalf, particularly given the financial stakes.
Some people may feel compelled to act in response to the problem.
Cybercriminals, on the other hand, use this technique to entice unsuspecting victims.
Responding to this SMS enables scammers to continue their unethical practises.
This phishing scam was most likely sent to a large number of mobile phone numbers throughout the UK.
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As a result, a response tells the fraudsters that there is a genuine person on the other end of the phone line – someone who might be their next victim.
Following that, a fraudster posing as a Lloyds Bank representative would very certainly contact the victim.
Hustle Explained
While the tactics employed by these criminals are unknown, Britons are likely to be solicited for personal and financial information.
While some may believe that this is done to protect their account, the reality is quite the reverse.
Thieves who get access to a person’s sensitive information may use it to commit identity theft and steal large sums of money.
Because fraudsters already have a person’s phone number, this is unlikely to be their first encounter with a scam.
Hackers may use a variety of methods to impersonate company personnel, such as phone calls, text messages, and even emails, knowing that a real person would reply.
Each one will be an effort to defraud the person who replied first, and as a result, they may be very dangerous.
What to do about the Fraudulent Texts?
Lloyds Bank recognised the social media post as a “new SMS scam,” and the issue was sent to the bank’s fraud department for further investigation.
This kind of text message should be disregarded and deleted as quickly as possible.
Notifying one’s bank of the issue is a wise move.
They should contact Action Fraud, the national fraud and cybercrime reporting agency, if they think they have been the victim of a scam.
Whether a person thinks they have provided sensitive information, such as banking information, they should immediately call their provider to check if the payment may be halted.
According to Lloyds Bank, the “Scamwich Generation” is a group of parents with younger children and elderly parents.
86 percent of British parents are worried about a member of their family falling victim to a scam, including their own children and elderly parents.
“The lockdown has put a pressure on the ‘Scamwich Generation’ of parents, with many of them feeling responsible for protecting their children, ”said Philip Robinson, director of fraud prevention at Lloyds Bank.
Given the increase in fraud and the sophistication of schemes, it’s natural for parents to be concerned about their children or grandchildren being victims of fraud.
We recognise the significance of this generation’s role in combating fraud and protecting the safety of their loved ones, and we are dedicated to assisting them.”
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