Citibank text is the latest viral attack by cyber crooks. The main goal of the scammers as always is to lure people in by peddling a fake narrative and collecting their personal information.
It goes without saying that Citibank and this fraudulent website do not have anything in common. Sadly, few people did not pay close attention to the traits exhibited by the crooks and as a result, their data is exposed to a lot of danger.
If you have received this phishing text, then simply ignore it. Never click on the links attached and regardless of how they approach you, do not entertain them. In case you have already suffered any kind of damage, then reach out to us. Our experts will help you deal with the situation and assist you in the recovery process. Phishing Scam phishing website tried to create panic by urging users to sign up by using the attached malicious links. They pretended to be partners of Citibank, but obviously, that wasn’t the case. We did a lot of digging to see how these crooks got the numbers in the first place. Unfortunately, we could not find answers to all our questions.
Nonetheless, if you receive this text, then delete the message and block the sender. Raise a complaint with your local monitoring unit.
Going forward, always check the details of the sender and never ever do anything impulsively because it usually never ends in our favor. Sharing personal information or other details is something you should never do for any reason. and Citibank
This phishing scam got traction only because of the Citibank narrative they employed. Just like we mentioned before, there is no connection between this scam and the bank. Many scammers always use established business names in their narrative to fool the public and earn their trust.
As this type of hustle is becoming common, do not take anything for granted. Always chat with the official customer support and pay attention to the small details.
Your safety should always be your number one priority. As far as Scam goes, the entire plot is easy to see through and all we had to do is take a few steps back to see the complete picture.
Safety Tips
To combat data breaches and phishing attacks, one of the best things you can do is change passwords regularly. Use 2 FA login methods and monitor your bank statements every once in a while.
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Basically, just by following standard safety practices, you will be able to dodge most attacks like this one without any hassles. Lastly, store regular backups so that even if the anti-virus software fails, you won’t be affected to a huge extent. The more prepared you are, the better it is going to be in the future.
Need Help?
Losing money to any online attack is painful. There is no go-to solution and the police aren’t exactly equipped to handle this type of case. However, that does not mean you should stop trying.
Regardless of what type of platform is troubling you, get in touch with us to get started with the recovery process. Using things like advanced tracking and chargebacks, our team will assist you in retrieving the money as soon as humanly possible.
Bottom Line Phishing Scam just like all the other viral things died quickly. We could not locate any information about the damages caused by it. Nonetheless, do not let your guard down, be mindful and let facts dictate your actions.
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