In the last few years, the number of fraudulent activities targeting the public has gone up exponentially. As the cost of services such as automated calls and bulk emails are going down, the crooks are taking advantage of the offers to achieve their goals with very little risk of getting caught.
Unfortunately, there is nothing anyone can do to prevent their operations, but thanks to the efforts of many reputable companies, end customers can avoid interacting or facing the scams in the first place. It is estimated that the damages caused by automated calls in the United States alone is more than 500 million dollars on an yearly basis.
Ofcourse, the regulators and other authorities are employing every trick in the book to prevent the public from being the victims. However, as the internet evolves and creates more advanced loopholes, this mania will never be put to an end.
#662# Metropcs feature is a safety feature built by T-Mobile to protect their customers from most types of fraud carried over the phone and it is undoubtedly something which should be always activated on your phone. To know about the way this feature works and the practicality it offers, stick with us till the end of the review.

What is #662# Metropcs?
#662# Metropcs is a feature launched by T-Mobile to combat the robo calls and other scam tactics used by the telemarketers to reach the end consumers. This is not the first approach taken by the big corporations in the industry. However, using the data so far, it is certainly the best rounded package yet.
Before the introduction of this feature, people had to manually block numbers one by one and yet they were still getting the calls as the scammers just had to change their number to get in touch with them. In the late 2017, this issue was so huge that even regulators started campaigns to educate the public, but sadly it wasn’t as effective as imagined.
Thankfully, this update is a game changer and using proprietary algorithms it will prevent most of the spam calls from reaching their target. The only catch is you need to manually opt in for this service as it may not be enabled by default.
How to activate the features?
By now, we are pretty sure that you like the #662# Metropcs feature. If you are using any recent Metropcs mobile, then you do not have to lift a finger as it will be activated by default. However, for any reason if you are still being bothered by unwanted calls then there are certain steps you need to take.
First and foremost, install the official Scam Shield App and enable the Scam Block function. Once you make the necessary changes through the app, the issues should get resolved within a maximum time window of one day. If the issue still persists, then contact the customer care and they will be able to assist you immediately and do the needful.
How to opt out of #662# Metropcs?
This question might seem very strange to a lot of people, but it is still a valid one as some customers have faced a certain degree of problems. Before we discuss the answer, it is important to understand the methods used by T-Mobile to flag suspicious numbers as it will provide us with much better clarity of the situation.
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Whenever any customer of T-Mobile receives a call, the company will run a thorough check on the caller ID and use proprietary algorithms to match them up with appropriate groups. If the number is classified as safe, then only the call is going to reach the intended customer or else it will be blocked and the associated data is going to be stored for future use.
Basically, if a number from certain originals are blacklisted by earlier clients, the firm is going to make a note of it and will block them from accessing the end users.
We all can agree that the entire process sounds good in theory, right? Nonetheless, you need to understand that nothing in our realm is flawless and the algorithms are not 100% fool proof. If the crooks running the automated scams are techy enough, then they might be able to get their calls through by using different phone numbers and other cloaking methods.
However, do remember to manually report numbers which you feel are suspicious, because the more data they have, the better the interface is going to get.
For any reason if the customers are not happy with the scam block feature, then all they have to do is dial #632# to deactivate the service. If you deactivate the service by mistake, then you don’t have to worry as it can be re-enabled anytime you want.
Customer Reaction
Through our blogs and social media channels, we deal with the public on a regular basis. Based upon the search data on google and our internal metrics, the customers are indeed very happy about the rollout of the #662# Metropcs update.
After all, who wouldn’t like to save themselves from annoying sales calls or other bogus investment pitches? Unlike other popular topics on the internet, this feature hasn’t earned itself a dedicated page or spot in the forums yet, but eventually it is bound to happen.
#662# Metropcs Verdict
It is really a big relief to see big firms trying to help the public fight certain types of scams which were spreading like cancer. The Scam block aka #662# Metropcs feature as of now might be available on a limited range of devices, but it will be something which is going to be adopted by every telecom operator in the near future.
So, make sure to enable this functionality at the earliest and spread the word with your friends and family.
Have you enabled all the safety features including #662# service on your mobile? Are you happy with the level of security provided by T-Mobile? Comment your answers below.
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