Ads Supply ( is an automated advertising agency that promises to make it’s users thousands of dollars every day. Just like a glorified ponzi scheme, they give the clients the impression of making huge money, but in reality the only way for them to get the revenue is through recruiting new members and convincing them to stick around for long.
On their website we found a lot of red flags which clearly proves that they do not have the best interest of their clients in their mind and some of them are outright illegal as well. Information about the founders and employees of this firm are kept confidential and even if you take a look at their domain registration, the actual details are masked.
Without a shadow of doubt, these crooks know their way around the internet and sadly, chances are they will get away with the crime in time. As there are tons of aspects and things about this firm to discuss, we suggest you to sit back and carefully read through the following content.
Note that at the end of the report, we have shared the information about the fund recovery process. So, stick with us till the end and you will find answers to all your questions.

Difference Between Ads-Supply and their Legit Counterpart
In today’s world, it is easier than ever before to copy a successful brand’s operational model. We are not talking about plagiarism or outright copy paste systems, but if you know the industry leaders, then it is easy to follow their footsteps to reach greatness. While there is nothing wrong with drawing inspiration from other businesses, the scammers out there are swinging for the fence by tarnishing the name of legit ones.
This firm’s name might sound familiar to a lot of people and it is due to the fact that they are copying a well known brand in the digital advertising space which is hosted at is a reputable firm that employs hundreds of people. They are dedicated towards making advertisements reach the right target group. Also, they have worked with a lot of top brands and have rightfully earned their spot on the leaderboard.
Ads Supply on the other hand has copied their business model to an extent and have peddled nothing more than fake narratives. While both the firms may look similar to the untrained eyes, don’t let the small details fool you. Ads supply is a trustworthy organisation that has helped thousands of small businesses. Moreover, they have been around for a long period of time and have got tons of testimonials that speak a lot about their ethical and business values. talks a lot about the opportunities presented by affiliate marketing, but they never hold on to their end of the bargain. They lie and cheat whenever they can and almost everything about them is sadly to say the least.
As the creators of this firm know the reality, they are least bothered to answer any of the complaints against them and currently they are trying their level best to get out of the sticky situation. Whenever you are dealing with new firms, always double check the details and for any reason if the transparency and integrity is not seen then don’t take chances with them.
Ads Supply and CPL One Connection
Attention, Ads Supply and CPL One at hindsight might look like different firms, but in reality they both are very well interconnected. For starters, both of them are active in the same sector, they both put out the same narratives and they exhibit the same kind of red flags. Click here to jump over to the section that focuses more about CPL One Scam.
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Transparency and Background
Transparency is an age old concept utilized by many businesses to earn the trust of their customers and employees. All the legitimate firms have no problem when it comes to sharing details about their whereabouts, contact details and much more. After all, no one likes to associate with entities that do not maintain cordial relationships with its audience, right?
Fake platforms and firms positions themselves as an authoritative subject matter experts, but in reality, they never put any content which exposes their real identity. In other words, crooks always hide behind aliases and create background stories of themselves which are fictitious. They realise the risks present if caught and to avoid any kind of attention from law enforcement agencies, they keep a very low profile online. The people behind Ads Supply are unknown and the way they have covered up their tracks is truly exceptional.
To put things into perspective, this platform talks a lot about the practicality they bring to the table, but they don’t have the courtesy to feature the details of their founders and employees. An experienced marketer can see right through the narrative easily. However, as this firm mainly targets newbies from all over the world, they indeed have made a fortune for themselves just by selling dreams.
We are not saying that affiliate marketing doesn’t work or the whole sector is a scam. The point we want to highlight is the fact that there are many fraudulent platforms like Ads Supply that pushes people down the wrong way. Think for a minute, if running ads was a sure shot thing to make money, then why in the world would they give their secret system for free?
Social Media Presence
As the world has gone more digital than ever before, one of the best ways of getting people’s attention is through social media platforms. The data clearly supports the call taken by big firms and even in terms of advertisement expenditure, the costs are justifiable enough. Most of the new platforms have social media presence as it helps them understand the needs of their customer in a detailed manner.
Needless to say, it also helps them interact with the public in a relaxed way. Significance of social media sites such as Facebook, Youtube is immense and any firm which doesn’t jump on to the trend is leaving a lot of money on the table. While paid advertising isn’t absolutely necessary to succeed in this space a lot of entities prefer it as it provides them with scalability.
In the early 2010’s, it was a lot easier to get organic traffic on many social media platforms, but that is not the case today and now, to reach a lot of audience, one needs to be incredibly creative. Ads Supply for some mysterious reasons doesn’t have social media presence. Given the way they boast about their alleged accomplishments, isn’t it weird for them to not feature any of the profile links of their employees?
Some may argue that they have intentionally maintained a low profile. However, we strongly believe that the only reason they have skipped featuring the details is to avoid leaving any clue or traces about their real location. Feel free to share your opinion on the matter in the comment’s thread and if you have any information on any of the social media profiles associated with this firm, then let us know and we will gladly update this report.
How does Ads Supply Work?
This is a very tricky question because there are a lot of conflicting narratives and surprisingly the explanation provided by the crooks sound convincing for a lot of newbies. The core idea behind their platform is supposedly to make the entire affiliate marketing process easier. Traditionally speaking, affiliates have to sign up with a product or a service, then drive traffic to that specific campaign, wait for conversions and then cash out.
While the process might sound easy on paper, it is difficult to execute it in the real world. This firm claims to have revolutionised the sector by bringing every component under a single roof. From offers in different sectors to running paid advertisements, everything is said to be made available to the affiliates. In other words, they claim to have automated the marketing campaigns which anyone can use to get an edge over other participants.
Online marketing is competitive and the trends change rapidly. For anyone to make significant money online, they need to be flexible, creative and most importantly stay up to date with the things that are viral. While finding affiliate offers won’t be a herculean task, driving web traffic to the intended landing pages is a difficult task. Remember, the key is targeted traffic and unless you figure out a way to get it, you will never make any progress in this sector.
The idea of getting quality traffic on demand is certainly enticing to a lot of people, but it will never unfold in reality. So, stop buying their ad packages which costs as much as $25,000 because it is not worth it in any way. The sales team of this firm are known to be ultra aggressive and they will probably promise you a royal road to the riches by investing with them. Needless to say, the only ones to make money at the end of the day will be the firm and the insiders.
There are multiple variables present in running successful campaigns and it is true that many people earn millions by finding the right combination. However, all of the successful ones have probably spent years learning and mastering the skill set and it is definitely not something which anyone can accomplish just by clicking a few buttons.
Ads Supply Contact Information
If you are trying to gauge the reputation of a firm you came across on the internet, then the easiest way to get an accurate picture is to check their contact details and verify them. Customer support and user experience are very important for reputable brands and they go to extreme lengths to address the needs of their clients.
On the other hand, the crooks do not simply care about them and the only time they call the customer is to get their credit card details. This firm doesn’t share any details about their whereabouts. At the time of writing this review, they do seem to have updated the information, but as the address is not verifiable, we cannot give them the benefit of the doubt.
To understand the gravity of the situation, think for a minute, why are they not ready to spend money in order to hire quality support staff? Isn’t the fact that they are hiding something pretty obvious? Users can only request a call back from them and the average time required by them to answer the requests are unknown as well. All in all, the red flags on their platform are way too depressing and unfortunately, the newbies are still falling for it.
Address – RONTAMEL LTD Archiep. Meletiou Kronidi 14, 1025 Nicosia, Cyprus
Warnings from Financial Authorities
The regulators have a lot on their hands and they can’t go after every possible scam out there due to obvious reasons. Online scammers understand the way things are set up with the regulatory authorities and they know the ways to stay below the radar. However, the financial watchdogs are not naive enough to let them slide, but unfortunately, they can’t go after every fake platform either.
So, the authorities prioritize their targets based upon the amount of money looted by them and the extent of damage caused. Ads Supply targeted people located in the western hemisphere. As the law in the United States and Europe are strict, they did get recognised by the authorities for all the wrong reasons. Sadly, the crooks had already inflicted a lot of damage and many people lost a big portion of their savings account.
The Federal Trade Commission has issued a warning against this platform and that’s a sure shot thing which should tell you a lot about them. Whenever a regulatory authority takes time and puts in effort to raise awareness about a firm, it means the scammers are really skilled and the only way to stop them is by educating the audience.
Online world is filled with a lot of scams, the number of new sites and services are increasing daily and as a result, no one organisation can keep an eye on them all. As end customers, you should also do proper research whenever you are presented with an investment opportunity and if you are being pushed towards making impulsive decisions, then it may not be worth getting involved.
Lack of Verified Data
Affiliate or digital marketing in general requires a deep understanding of numbers. For example, to calculate the return on investment for a certain ad campaign, an individual needs to know the exact cost of the ads, daily budget, average click rate and average conversion rate. Moreover, they also need to factor in the refunds as well to arrive at a definitive number.
While some of the metrics we have mentioned above might sound foreign to you, the marketers know them all and without understanding the relationship between them, it is next to impossible to make money. Ads Supply platform talks about the metrics, but they have intentionally made the explanation vague and at the end of the day, the average user will never understand any of the moving parts present. If they were really legit, then why aren’t they making their statistics public and verifiable like a lot of ad agencies do?
The reason behind lack of verified data is simple to understand, this firm just doesn’t have anything valuable to offer to the clients. If you truly want to make a career out of digital marketing, then we suggest you to get started with books on marketing.
Once you understand the concepts, then it is better to work under others before going your own way. Remember, this space rewards people who have long term interests and burns people that are present only to make the most amount of revenue in the shortest period of time.
Affiliate Program and Fake Reviews
Ads Supply has a well laid out affiliate program and gauging their website statistics it is safe to say that the promoters they have hired certainly worked very well. Affiliate marketing in simple words is that type of marketing wherein anyone who has access to web traffic can get paid for diverting their audience to specific niche related offers. While there is nothing wrong with affiliate marketing, the moment conflict of interest raises, everything changes.
The promoters of this platform are aware of the pitfalls present in the business model, but they couldn’t care less about it. Their main goal is to sell people unrealistic dreams and get paid for it. If you come across any positive reviews about this company then you need to understand that it is a set up designed to hustle you.
Many fraudulent programs pay for fake reviews in order to position themselves as industry experts, but don’t let this age old trick fool you into making a rushed decision. Remember, if they are creating a sense of urgency, then they most probably are trying to sell you a product or a service that doesn’t provide much value.
Ads Supply Testimonials
Testimonials and user feedback are the main aspects we take a deep look at before publishing any report. Almost all the time, customer reviews will tell us about the reality of the situation and it clearly exposes all the kinds of malpractices carried out by the crooks. On the flip side, all the legitimate firms feature customer testimonials on their website in order to earn trust of the public.
They take pride in helping people achieve their goals. Scammers turn things around to their favor and they do everything in their power to get positive PR. The most common trick used by fake firms is to create exaggerated comments about their abilities and post them via bogus profiles on popular forums. Whenever you notice comments that are way too good to be true, take a step back and try to research more about the firm.
If the firm is truly successful, then they will have hundreds of thousands of customers rooting for them. Ads Supply has earned itself a lot of hatred online and they deserve it. People are astonished by the kind of high pressure marketing tactics used by them. A lot of people were tricked into depositing five figures into the so called advertisement packages and needless to say most of them lost it all. High pressure marketing tactics is something which all crooks love to employ as it makes them make the best out of their user base.
They hire skilled sales teams who have no regards to moral aspects and their only goal is to convince the clients to invest as much as they possibly can. Note that the sales team also works on a commission basis and that’s why they generally have huge conflicts of interest? Below, we have gathered a few comments from popular forums, check them out and see the situation for yourself. (Source:
CPL one scammed me recently as well! Luckily they only got $200USD sign up fee. On my first call with them they pressured me into spending my entire savings – $3000 on this. Luckily I didn’t go through with it – red flag was that they were extremely insistent on spending as much as possible. Were very convincing, don’t be fooled! Their website looks quite legitimate too. And lady I spoke too was very convincing, telling me stories of other Aussies who have allegedly invested and been super successful. When I asked where she was from, she hesitated then said UK, so probably a lie and probably operate from many locations. And they always call from a private number – dodgy. Beware!
Ads- Supply, sadly I was gullible enough to give them close to $30 000 over the past two months. It all looked so legit and the “Accounts” managers were South African and that’s where I was from so I trusted them. The calls did come from the UK as it showed the + 44 and the same number was used several times. I read up as much as I could but it was all fake it seems, only now have I found articles saying its a scam. Wish I had done more research. You hear of people getting caught and think – that will never happen to me! If it sounds too good to be true then it is. Why didn’t I listen to that voice in my head.
As if the above comments weren’t scary enough, check out the following one wherein an elderly person shares the story about the way they lost $17,000 AUD to Ads Supply on the very same forum.
Same here. AUD$17K lost to Adssupply. Kids told us it was a scam. Didn’t listen to them. Many broken promises of return after 1 month, 6 months and unpleasant interchanges when asked to invest more on Black Friday click frenzy coming up this month and other previous ‘once off’ opportunities which we thankfully declined. We really began to think it was legit after speaking weekly and the website is very impressive. Have to give it to them. They really do work hard to take your money!

It is indeed sad to see the plight of so many innocent users who were just looking for a way to make money online.
Is Ads Supply a Scam?
Ads Supply is an outright illegal platform that has made all of its users lose boat loads of money. They say that they are the mediators between advertisers and affiliates. However, they don’t have any credibility in both the sectors. Moreover, they are tarnishing the name of reputable businesses by using clever naming schemes.
Affiliate marketing may seem like an old sector, but it is not saturated yet and there is a lot of room for profits. Just like anything with life to make significant returns one needs to know the math behind running ads and that involves trial and error. So, don’t buy into programs or courses blindly and understand the fact that it is a game wherein only the dedicated ones last. This platform and all of its associated programs are a ripoff designed to trap newbies in the make money online sector.
Their ideas might sound good in theory but if you end up falling for the trap, then you will burn a hole in your pocket sooner or later. Save yourself and your loved ones from this dangerous scam by sharing this post via your social media handles. Remember, the only way to beat the scammers is by creating awareness and if everyone understands the way things work, then the crooks will not have anywhere to go.
Recover Funds from Ads Supply Scam
From the early days of the internet, it has been tough to track the activities of scammers online. The number of loopholes present in the online world are many and for the average user, it is not possible or feasible to conduct investigations against any entity. Thankfully, certain laws and policies were introduced before the online world became a thing and one can shield themselves to a certain extent just by knowing the rules.
The monetary system the world is reliant upon is strange but in some way, it is efficient as well. Whenever you are purchasing or paying online, we strongly suggest you to make use of credit cards. Transactions done through credit cards can be redeemed in case things go sideways and a simple chargeback process will be sufficient. If you have lost money to Ads Supply, then don’t let them flee the scene and take action against them immediately.
For any reason, if you are feeling overwhelmed by the chargeback process or if you have paid through other payment systems and are not aware of the recovery process, then don’t worry about it too much. Just input a few details about the transaction and the incident on our contact form and let our experts do all the heavy lifting for you.
We will assess your information and run deep checks on the accounts involved and get back to you with the solution. Note that we don’t charge for any of our services and our main intention is to help everyone get their money back from fraudulent platforms.
Ads Supply Scam Review Verdict
Ads Supply is a fake digital marketing agency/solution that is employing all the unethical tactics and illegal methods to get people to invest with them. They don’t showcase any degree of transparency and as far as credibility goes, they don’t have any of it either. Ad Packages sold by them range from $250 to over $25,000 and the returns showcased by them will never happen in reality.
Almost everyone who invested with this firm is regretting their choice and some are still unable to even get a response back from them. As the situation is getting tense, the crooks have stopped aggressive promotions and are slowly trying to erase their footprints. Their website traffic has dropped drastically and looks like their platform may get shut down in the near future.
Lastly, remember that even financial regulators have issued warnings against them. If you have read this post before depositing with them, then consider yourself lucky and never proceed for any reason. On the other hand, if you have already sent them the funds and are unable to withdraw it, then don’t give up hope.
The legal options present to make these crooks pay up for their action are plenty and you just have to be patient with the process. If you need assistance with the recovery process or if you have any other specific questions about this firm, then feel free to comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.
If you have lost money to Ads Supply scam, then reach out to us via the contact form to know about the legal options available at your disposal.
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