Atlas Earth is a new app that claims to help users make passive income from buying virtual real estate. Their operational model is very similar to a Ponzi scheme. However, they have not violated any law and are presently in the grey area. Information about creators is not easy to access or verify.
Also, there is no clear way to calculate returns. In short, most of the things associated with them are vague, and no one should proceed with them blindly. Making money from playing games is possible. Nonetheless, it isn’t necessarily easy all the time.
So, you should always take a few steps back and analyze the scenario whenever you encounter new opportunities that peddle new narratives. The following content is designed to help you make a decision which is why you need to read it till the end.
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What is Atlas Earth?
Atlas Earth sells virtual land. You can buy plots, hold them and collect rent. As you can tell by now, the more land you hold, the higher the rewards will be. While their narrative sounds good on paper, there are certainly a lot of risks involved.
First of all, sustainability is a big uncertainty. If the advertisers stop pumping money or if the popularity drops, then there is no way for people to exit the scenario. In other words, the program can crumble at any time, and it is nothing less compared to a time bomb.
Until and unless more clarity is provided by the creators, it is best to maintain distance from them and see the way things unfold. After all, it does not make any sense to try everything that appears enticing, right?
How much money can you make with Atlas Earth?
According to the firm, one plot of land costs $5 and produces income every second. We have no objection to generating money every second, but the question is how much?
If you do the math and have already invested in it, you will be shocked by the following calculation. According to their predictions, anyone who purchased a $5 plot would have to wait over a century to earn their money back.
According to their claims, watching videos (advertisements) inside the app every hour may increase your earnings by as much as 30 times. Even then, anyone who did so must wait at least three years to get $5.
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Additionally, you should be aware that making money by seeing advertisements is an age-old business concept that does not work too well for the users generally. The calculation clearly reveals the harsh cold reality. Ask yourself, is making $5 in 3 years worth the hassles involved?
Risks Involved
The biggest risk present with their business model is sustainability and cash flow. Think about it for a moment. Atlas Earth has nothing tangible to sell, and its narrative involving virtual goods is also bleak at best. If the advertisers decide to stop interacting with them, their popularity will fall.
Ultimately, there won’t be any cash flow, and no business can survive for long without money, right? As the longevity is too low, people are scared to deposit money, and the logic present is clearly justified. Moreover, there is no such thing as insurance provided by them.
Is Atlas Earth a Scam?
Atlas Earth is a business that is operating in the grey area. They are not technically doing anything illegal, but the entire thing does appear shady, and transparency is not present. The management side is too mysterious, and there are plenty of flaws in the narrative as well.
Even the users are not that optimistic about the project. The chances of this app becoming the next go-to solution for generating passive income is slim to none. So, don’t bet big on it; instead, understand the risks first and then take a call.
Complaints We Received
On July 21, 2023, we received the following complaint:
I recently opened an account with Atlas Earth and purchased several plots of land in and around my property. Strangely enough, I find myself losing money despite the ongoing 50% rent boost for the next few days, which is a notable increase from the usual 30% boost. As of last night, my account balance was $.21, but today it has declined to $.14.
Generating passive income is a dream for many people. However, that does require a lot of effort and planning. If any entity or instrument claims to offer you consistent cash flow, then do in-depth research. Proceed with the underlying entity only if you find all the variables present in the operational model.
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