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Bcbssettlement.com Update – Legit Settlement?

Many people have been receiving alerts about the Bcbssettlement.com via mail and electronic mail. Citizens are panicked because they do not know whether it is the real deal or not. While many scammers use fake narratives similar to this operation, we can assure you that Blue Cross Blue Shield is nothing like that. Bcbssettlement.com is a legitimate website that aims to reimburse their customer base as a result of the class action antitrust lawsuit called In re: Blue Cross Blue Shield Antitrust Litigation MDL 2406, N.D. Ala.

Note that this matter is still in the court and the Judge has not made any final decision yet. In case you are interested in knowing the key dates regarding this lawsuit, then refer to the paragraphs below or visit the official website.

The collective compensation the firm is likely to pay is around 2.67 billion dollars. Amount entitled for each individual is hard to specify because of the various factors involved. Nonetheless, to get a good idea about the results, process and much more, stick with us till the very end. 

Bcbssettlement.com Update

What is Bcbssettlement.com all about?

Anti-competitive behaviour is something most governments frown upon. To the business owners, monopoly might be an enticing thing. However, for the general population, monopoly will always likely turn into a nightmare and generally speaking, it is not good for the economy as well. Antitrust laws were created to prevent companies from exploiting the loophole of capitalism.

After all, sellers should always be incentivised to create better, innovative products for competitive prices, right? As we mentioned before Bcbssettlement.com was created due to the Anti-trust lawsuit. The lawsuit was carried out on behalf of the individuals and companies that either purchased or received health policy from the Blue Cross Blue Shield firm.

Defendants allegedly artificially inflated the price of the health policies which needless to mention, is an unjustifiable thing. Keep in mind that the defendants denied all the allegations and opted to go for a settlement to clear their names.

Also, any entity that receives the compensation gives up the right to confront them legally in this regard. If you are someone that should get a compensation from them, then continue reading to know about the eligibility criteria, documentation and other relevant things necessary to get the funds.

Who is Eligible?

Anyone apart from government bodies that brought or received health policies from this firm is eligible for the compensation. People do need to verify their identity, fill in the personal details in order to submit the claim. There are two ways of submitting the form.

One is via the official website and the other is through mail. The location details are covered in this post. Alternatively, you can visit Bcbssettlement.com to get all the information. Customers also have to select the mode of payment and the supported mechanisms are Venmo, PayPal, Check and prepaid cards.

Depending upon the payment method the client chooses, he or she may have to submit a little additional information. For example, for Venom, users have to input their ID and for PayPal, the email address should be present. If the compensation amount is less than $5, then most likely it will not be paid out regardless of which method one goes for. All the claims should be submitted by 5th November 2021.

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    Once all the details are put in, the claims administrator will process the data and decide the final compensation amount. The process on their end is something you do not have to worry about. Nonetheless, make sure that you carefully read the agreement and if you do not agree with any clause, then talk with your attorney. 

    Bcbssettlement.com Court Proceedings

    The Court has not reached any final conclusion regarding the Bcbssettlement.com case. The key dates are revealed on the official platform. Note that the payments will be sent through only if the court deems it necessary. In case you are going for an alternative option, then you have to submit relevant evidence.

    As far as the court proceedings are considered, know that the settling defendants have not entertained any allegations and have agreed to pay the settlement to avoid any litigation in the future. Court has not made a yes or no type decision yet and the final verdict is yet to see the daylight.

    So, do not expect any speedy fund transfer, instead be patient and understand that the whole issue is not something that can be resolved easily. For regular updates, visit their website. 

    Claim Amount

    This is the trickiest part in every class action lawsuit. The damage amount can be determined easily, but the exact amount that every victim will get is near impossible to calculate unless the dust settles. Compensation fund depends upon a few things such as contribution, additional fees paid(if applicable), etc,.

    To get a good idea about the kind of amount one might receive, it is better to wait till the Fairness hearing which is scheduled on October 20th 2021. For any reason, if you believe the amount paid out is less, then you need to hire a lawyer to explore all of the possibilities. 

    How to file Bcbssettlement.com Claim?

    The easiest way to file the claim is to use the online portal of Bcbssettlement.com. Everything related to the form is self-explanatory and if you are an average internet user, then you won’t face any problem. On the other hand, even the interface is neat and user-friendly.

    Alternatively, you can use the postal method to submit the claim. However, make sure that you postmark it by November 5th 2021.

    Once you have input all the information and have provided the details, you need not do anything about it. After the court hearing, the claims will be processed and all the valid ones will get the benefits. 

    Contact Details

    Lawsuits are always complicated. You might be interested in contacting the underlying party independently to discuss your take or you might have a dilemma about a particular policy or a clause.

    For any reason, if you want to get in touch with the firm, then check out the following table. We have listed all the contact information so that you do not have to go through the trouble of searching the web.

    • Address – Blue Cross Blue Shield Settlement, c/o JND Legal Administration, PO Box 91390, Seattle, WA 98111.
    • Email – info@BCBSsettlement.com 
    • Telephone – (888)681-1142

    Key Dates

    If you are looking for information regarding key dates to look out for, then the following list is just the thing you need. Do keep in mind that because of the Pandemic situation, changes might occur. So, for up to date information, visit Bcbssettlement.com.

    • Spring 2021 – Notice Commencement
    • July 28 2021 (Postmarked) – Objection Deadline
    • July 28 2021(Postmarked) – Exclusion Deadline
    • October 20 2021 – Fairness Hearing
    • November 5 2021 (Postmarked or online) – Claims Filing Deadline

    Bcbssettlement.com Verdict

    Bcbssettlement.com is a legitimate website. People that were affected by the inflated health policy prices will get the compensation if they follow the instructions. The website is extremely simple and almost everything about the whole situation is self-explanatory. Moreover, all the data is encrypted by them as well.

    So, you can use this platform without any hesitation and input the sensitive information. However, if you get calls from unknown numbers using the same narrative, then do not share any details unless you can verify their source and identity.

    If you have any doubt about the authenticity, then always dial up the support team and they will help you make the right choice. We have covered all of the important aspects regarding this lawsuit in this post. By any chance, if there is still anything bothering you, then leave a comment below and we will do our best to assist you. 

    Share your thoughts on the Bcbssettlement.com with our community by gracing us with a comment. 

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