BitIQ Scam Review – Fraudulent Trading Solution

BitIQ is a new hotshot trading solution with over 90% accuracy. It supposedly uses a short-term volatility trading strategy. However, the 90% win rate showcased by BitIQ is purely an exaggeration, and that kind of number is never sustainable.

The founders are anonymous, and this is not the kind of application anyone should use. Though few sources promote it, people will likely lose all of their money if they trust this platform.

As expected, their claims are not verifiable, and they do not have a significant social media presence, which means the entire thing is operated from the dark. Given the kind of gimmicks they use, it is not a good idea to believe anything they say without researching.

Remember, they have a high conflict of interest with the clients. Stick with us until the end to learn how they operate and the flaws in their business model. 

BitIQ Scam Review

BitIQ Licenses and Founders

BitIQ claims to work with regulated brokers. However, they have not named any of their partners. As we do not know the names of the brokers they peddle, we cannot verify their regulatory status. When it comes to online investing, one should never proceed with unregulated firms as they do not have high standards and safety protocols.

This platform makes bold claims but hides behind disclaimers and liability clauses. So, do not assume you will get rich quickly with them because that will never happen. Moving on to the management side, the founders of this so-called cutting-edge software are unknown.

If this system really made consistent profits, why in the world are they not revealing the identity of the creators? Isn’t it better to sell this algorithm to the banks and earn billions instead of offering it to the public? As we said before, the flaws in their narrative are obvious, and you should just be patient to spot them. 

How does BitIQ Work?

BitIQ supposedly uses quantum computing and AI to predict crypto swings. It is also said that sentiment analysis can be employed to make better trades. Looking at their vague explanation, one thing is clear, they certainly have no idea how the market works. For starters, no metric or parameter used by the algorithm is revealed.

They do not discuss risk management measures, and things like hedging and swaps are not even mentioned. The indicators they use to make decisions are unknown, and there is no transparency. The drawdown percent is not verifiable, and the ideal capital amount is also not mentioned.

They promise to help people make millions but sell nothing more than dreams. Trading cryptocurrencies is tough, and if anyone tries to battle the market without knowing their edge, they will lose their capital in a matter of days, which is a harsh reality. 

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    Win Rate and Profits

    Short-term trading strategies are always enticing because they provide quick returns. However, it is hard to find a consistent edge, and so far, numerous systems have failed to achieve the desired results. BitIQ promises a 90% win rate, which is impossible to sustain over the long run.

    Also, on their homepage, they say that anyone can become a millionaire by using their software, and all they supposedly have to do is reinvest their profits daily. Undoubtedly, their advice is meaningless, and it encourages many bad habits, such as over-leveraging and over-trading.

    Whenever platforms like this one promise quick results, look for solid evidence. If you cannot find tangible data or enough audits of trading history, do not entertain them for any reason.

    BitIQ Testimonials

    As BitIQ is new, the number of testimonials present isn’t significant enough to derive anything meaningful. We reviewed a couple of user reviews on Trustpilot and Reddit, and as expected, the consensus revealed the firm’s ugly side.

    When this report was published, little data was available. However, things will change soon, and the truth will reach the top of the search engines.

    Keep an eye out on the social media platforms, as they can help you recognize the shit in sentiment pretty early. This firm lacks transparency and user input, which means the value proposition is non-existent, and as such, we should do everything in our power to avoid them. 

    Complaints We Received

    On July 18, 2024, we received the following complaint regarding another domain,

    I trade on, and now my money is stuck.

    Please visit if has scammed you.

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    BitIQ Scam or Legit?

    BitIQ is a scam, and there are no second thoughts about it. The kind of anonymity they adore speaks volumes about their character. Conflicts of interest are sky-high, and the algorithm’s traits are not revealed. No one appears to have all the data, and audits are also not made public.

    Fake win rate claims and a get-rich-quick narrative mean they will likely wipe out the user’s capital quickly. As the flaws are easy to see, spread the word by sharing this post and helping us educate the masses. 

    Recover Your Money

    As there are too many trading scams similar to BitIQ, retail investors often have difficulty recovering money from them. If you cannot recover money from this platform, contact us immediately.

    We will show you different options, such as wire recalls and chargebacks, to help you get your money back as soon as possible. All of our services are free, and we are always just a few clicks away. 


    BitIQ will never make anyone rich apart from the creators and marketers. Due to way too obvious pitfalls, you need to stay away from them. Going forward, always do solid research about new trading platforms and not invest in any unregulated entity for any reason. 

    If you have lost money to BitIQ, comment below, and we will assist you.

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