The effect Covid pandemic had on all of our lives is something which many will never forget. Thousands of lives were lost and the economic collapse it triggered made the situation worse. Moreover, it also changed the way we interact with each other and the list of damages just keeps growing. Thanks to the efforts of hundreds of scientists, finally the vaccine has arrived and if the distribution goes well, everything will get back on track.
However, creating a perfect distribution is no joke and as the shelf life of the doses are very limited, the calculations have to be precise. The government has made up its mind about the roll out program and have created a priority list. Obviously, the front line workers and elderly people are among the first ones to get vaccinated.
Eventually, the plan is to make everyone immune against the virus. Sadly, there are flaws in the distribution plans and many vaccination doses are getting wasted. To address the situation at hand Vaxstandby Com provides the public with an intuitive way which will keep everyone happy. To know the way they find the doses, alert the people in the list, distribute the vaccine and much more, continue reading.

What is Vaxstandby Com Scam?
The word scam was added after Vaxstandby Com keyword on many search engines as people were initially suspicious about the intentions of this platform. Nonetheless, we didn’t find any flaws about this firm and on the flip side, we were impressed by their goals and intentions. This website does require people to give them the details of their zip code and phone number in order to get alerts on time.
As they were too young in terms of domain era, a lot of people were hesitant to input the required details and started researching for the reviews online. We understand that giving personal information to strange and mysterious websites might turn out to be a costly mistake.
However, as far as this website is considered, that isn’t the case and in case if you are wondering know that they won’t have access to any of your data. Their privacy policies are crystal clear and their website is also as clean as any other reputable counterparts. In other words, there is nothing wrong with them and they seem trustworthy.
Vaxstandby Com Intentions
The main goal of this platform is to make the entire vaccine distribution program effective and reduce wastage whenever and wherever they can. Their plan is well designed and the kind of contacts they have in place to execute the project is picture perfect. Vaccine doses that are acquired or gathered by this firm are leftovers from registered providers. The extras might have resulted from missed appointments, near expiry dates, etc,.
Whenever a new batch of vials are opened, it must be injected within 6 hours or else it will go to waste due to the ambient temperature and a series of other chemical reactions. Number of people who need the vaccines are more, but as always identifying the problem is only a part of the equation, rectifying it is the end goal and that is exactly the thing this firm is focusing on.
Am I eligible?
Eligibility criteria to sign up for the standby list is very simple. Basically, anyone who has basic knowledge about the internet can use the services offered by this firm. Applicants must be over 16 years old, they shouldn’t have any medical complications that would make the administration of vaccines harmful, also, they should be residents of the United States and should hold a valid phone number.
There are no guarantees being made about the availability of doses and certainly the receivers are not allowed to resell it. If you satisfy all of the conditions mentioned above, then you can go ahead to their official website and put yourself on the list.
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Process Involved
There is a lot of confusion and theories about the actual process involved. In reality, all the participants have to do is input their contact details and wait for the instructions. Note that there is no such thing as guaranteed availability of doses with them, but chances are you will get them or at least increase your chances of getting it.
As soon as the doses are picked up by the assigned agents, you will get a text message which will contain further instructions. Just to ensure higher security to your data, this firm doesn’t even interfere with the information collected in any way. In short, the whole enterprise is working for the collective good and has no hidden agenda.
Is Vaxstandby Com a Scam?
Vaxstandby Com is not a scam by any means. While the owners of the organisation may be anonymous for obvious reasons, they don’t exhibit any suspicious behaviour and the popularity they have earned for themselves in a short period of time speaks for itself. They are doing a noble task and they deserve our support and appreciation.
As of now we weren’t able to find any user feedback, but in time we strongly believe it will appear on certain niche related forums and established social media platforms. All in all, the care exhibited by the founders and the way they have set up the platform is truly inspirational and the fact that they don’t have any personal agenda makes them more trustworthy as well.
Covid 19 is something which has disrupted everyone in one way or the other. According to some analysts, it might take decades to recover from the damages. In a world filled with uncertainties any good news is a sign of relief and this platform in it’s own way is trying to make the world a better place.
Vaxstandby Com has a solid plan to make the whole distribution process easier. Their motto and planning are on point. Unfortunately, they are just active in the United States for the time being.
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