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VyoGroup Wealth Management Review – 2021

VyoGroup is a platform that has been around for more than a decade. The kind of services they offer is enticing, but there are a lot of things about them that are not transparent. For example, they do not showcase their licenses, pricing information is not stated beforehand and audited reports are extremely hard to find.

They do share a few details about their management side. Unfortunately, they have not linked out to any social media profile which means it is almost impossible to verify most of the things they peddle.

The kind of mysteriousness this firm has embraced is disturbing and due to the traits we found on their platform, we cannot possibly encourage our readers to proceed with them. Investing is without doubts the key to building generational wealth.

However, there are a lot of things one needs to be aware of before getting started with it. Read the following paragraphs to know whether this firm can be something that might be beneficial for you.

VyoGroup Wealth Management Review - 2021

VyoGroup Employees and Background

When it comes to investment firms, transparency is the key to making a mark for themselves. This firm has a detailed About Us section, but there are few key things missing. First of all, their narratives are way too generic regardless of which way you look at it.

Names of the people at the top of the management chain are revealed. However, there isn’t any picture attached. Plus, there is no link attached that could help people verify the track record. In other words, the entire thing looks like a setup and that is not a sign anyone should cherish.

There is a chart put up by them to showcase their statistics. Unfortunately, the data cannot be verified and third party audited reports are not published. Giving a firm the benefit of the doubt especially when it raises money from others is a risky venture.

For best results, we always encourage people to talk to a licensed financial planner and indulge only with regulated firms to enhance your odds. 

Contact Information

One of the easiest ways of gauging a firm is to look at the contact information. Legitimate firms will do anything it takes to remain connected with the user base.

On the other hand, shady firms do the basic tasks and use gimmicks to artificially create authority in the underlying space. VyoGroup has done a good job of staying connected with the public. All the information about their whereabouts are available on their platform.

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    People can get in touch with them via telephone, email and contact form. In case you are looking for all the information at one place, refer to the table below.

    • Address – CSSD Tower, 15 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province, P.R. China, 215123
    • Phone – +86 51 2891 65295, +86 51 2851 86773
    • Email – taxbranch@vyogroup.com

    VyoGroup Services

    Things like financial planning and 401k might seem overwhelming at first. As an adult, financial literacy is a necessity and the sooner you get started with it, the better the rewards are going to be. Traditionally speaking, public markets are a good place to invest in because they are consistently above inflation rates.

    Many experts in the sector also believe in Dollar cost averaging and letting compounding work over long duration. If you are a savvy investor, then bonds are also a great way to hedge your risk and maintain healthy diversification in the portfolio.

    VyoGroup claims to help individuals and families with wealth management. They are said to be mainly involved with equities, cash, bonds and other alternative investments. While they are following the right script used by big funds, the main issue is the lack of attention to details. 

    Flaw in their Narratives

    As we mentioned before, this firm is vague in many aspects. For starters, the kind of way they handle and allocate the funds is not made clear. The parameters they use are not revealed. Trading history is not published by them.

    Even the fund manager profiles are not made public. There is absolutely zero explanation about how cash flow is generated. Of course the long term view focused by them is great. However, without having a risk mandate and other blueprint, how can we trust them with our money?

    Legality wise, we do not know whether they are qualified to offer their services to all the regions. Moreover, in case of bankruptcy, we do not know what the protocols are. Lack of insurance funds and segregated bank accounts are also an issue.

    All in all, the kind of uncertainty present is high which is why you need to be careful at all times while dealing with them.

    Lack of Transparency

    In the financial sector, data and track records do a lot of talking. Results or the portfolio returns speak for itself. Anyone that can beat the S and P 500 index is indeed an expert in the field and at the end of the day, it is all about sustaining the numbers.

    VyoGroup has failed to publish any data or evidence to back up their statements. Even their legal status is questionable. They are not listed under FTC or FCA which means the people in the US and most of western hemisphere cannot technically invest with them.

    We tried to run a deep search on their domain in order to trace out the real owner. Unfortunately, we were not successful because the domain registrant information was hidden by the creators using a paid service.

    The fact that founders are operating from the shadows is undeniable and using history as a guide, this kind of thing never turns out well. 

    Customer Feedback

    For a domain which has been around since 2006, we thought it will be a piece of cake to find user feedback. Sadly, we didn’t even find a single comment about them on the web that is verifiable. The lack of consensus is beyond disturbing to say the least.

    If this company really helped many people, then why isn’t anyone talking about it on social media platforms and other forums? Connecting the dots in relation to the situation is not a daunting task.

    The data speaks for itself and as the red flags present are plenty, look elsewhere if you want to get started with the financial markets in any way. After all, you cannot be too safe nowadays, right?

    VyoGroup Scam or Legit?

    This is the main question which everyone seems to be searching for on the web. VyoGroup definitely is not the best firm in the sector. As of now, there are no serious allegations against them, but lack of total social proof is a big concern.

    Moreover, we do not know the way they justify conducting controlled operations and raising money from the public. We advise our readers not to invest with them due to numerous risks involved. In case your money is stuck with them, then get in touch with us via the contact form below.

    We will look into your case for free and provide you assistance with the recovery process. All of our services are free and we will never rest unless we have put all the scammers out of business. 


    VyoGroup appears to be a shady firm. Unless more data about them finds its way to the web and people start mentioning their experience with them, it is better to stay away. While financial planning is essential to reach wealth goals, you should always take care of the security aspect too.

    While nothing is guaranteed, it is better to talk to professionals and move forward with reputable firms to enhance your odds. Remember, there is no quick way to wealth and anyone that says otherwise is most probably not your friend. 

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