BioTrust Invoice Scam is one of the many terms that is trending on Google search results lately. As the brand name i.e,. BioTrust is huge and popular, many people are trying to figure out exactly what triggered this event?
Unfortunately, as always there are plenty of theories floating on the internet and they are bound to make the public feel overwhelmed. In the following paragraphs, we at Cyber Scam Review have done our best to put things into perspective.
Read them and you will know every aspect about the underlying firm and the associated things which will help you gain utmost clarity. Also, do not forget to only refer to their official website in case you are contacted by someone claiming to work for them.
After all, you just cannot be too careful nowadays, right?

What is BioTrust?
BioTrust is a platform that mainly derives income from selling health supplements and programs. They have been around for a long time and due to the high quality content they publish, their popularity is way off the charts.
On the other hand, people also love the product line and the ones that are inclined towards leading more active lifestyles find them both enticing and reasonable. In short, the platform itself is highly professional and nothing concerning about them can be found on the internet.
Of course, there is the occasional string of negative comments, but that is common especially for a firm that is big. On top of the products, even their blog section is helpful and they regularly update this section to inform people about various diets, exercises and other related things.
Regardless of how good anything might look, never incorporate huge changes to your regimes or lifestyle without consulting a doctor. Remember, content is free, but you should not follow anything blindly as it may have an adverse effect.
BioTrust Invoice Scam Explained
This firm offers subscription plans too and as a result, they routinely send invoices to the customer base. Recently, few people have mentioned that they have received an invoice from the platform without placing new orders or subscribing to anything.
Naturally, people were worried as the majority of them thought that it was likely to be a hustle. Fortunately, the customer support made it clear that the emails were sent by mistake and there was nothing to worry about. In other words, nothing has been hacked or exposed to risk, all the data about the customers are safe and secure.
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Sadly, this event since its inception gained momentum on social media channels and wild speculation created narratives and theories which were simply not true. We understand that it is hard to find reliable sources of information on the web.
Moving forward, always visit the official platform and websites only. Never trust things or news from third party outlets unless the data is verified.
BioTrust Product Line
This is a huge list and we are pretty sure that you will get bored if we list all of the products they sell. On the bright side, almost all of their products are approved and the ingredient list is put up on every item they sell. Though the ingredients are good, it is better to talk with a doctor before ingesting it.
After all, you cannot compromise on anything when it comes to health, right? Their anti-aging products and their effectiveness is somewhat debatable, but at the end of the day, it all comes down to your preferences.
Here’s a list of health interests you can find on their interface.
- Protein Products
- Collagen Protein
- Immune Support
- Digestive Health
- Anti-Aging
- Healthy Living
Dedicated Blog
As everything is going digital, maintaining blog and social media presence is a must for every business and this one is no exception. They have a massive social following. Perhaps the best part about them is the way they garner the blog and provide quality content.
The articles published by them do not up-sell people on things instead they do provide a ton of value for free. Of course, they highlight their items, but that does not happen at the cost of user experience. Anyone with an active internet connection can access their blogs and go through it anytime they want.
Content by itself is not exclusive or out of the ordinary, but the way they present it makes a lot of difference. Tips on Diets put up by them is also something you should read especially if you are just starting your journey into the world of fitness.
Most of the advice they give can be incorporated into one’s routine without fuss. However, if you have pre-existing health conditions, then you need to ask your physician for best results. Remember, there is no one size fits all approach here.
Health supplements are known to be expensive. There might be few programs that are reasonable. Nonetheless, it does burn a hole in your pocket eventually and there is no way around it. One need not necessarily spend thousands of dollars to get all the right things into your body.
However, if you are trying to make it big as a gym freak, then it will certainly take a toll on you financially. Coming back to BioTrust, most of the items they sell are on the costlier side of the scale.
The policies, terms and shipping time are standard, but the whole thing is certainly not cheap. If you are budget conscious then, it may be worth it to look elsewhere.
On the flip side, if you are not worried about price and are looking for a vendor that is reliable and trustworthy, then this one might be the last thing you want to check out.
Does BioTrust Really work?
This is the big question almost every newbie will ask when they are buying health supplements. The answer is a complicated one because everybody is different and the end result just cannot be delivered in a strict time frame.
If you are calorie conscious and are monitoring your nutrient intake regularly, then health supplements will help you reach your goals faster. However, if you are simply looking for a shortcut and are not following a balanced diet, then no pill can do the task for you.
BioTrust products are good, but some of it is not backed up by adequate scientific studies. Nonetheless, as all of their items are approved, feel free to dabble with them and see for yourself what will happen. In case you see results and find the scenario sustainable, then continue or else quit.
Shipping and Returns
Exchange and shipping policies along with refund structure are explained in detail on the official website. The exchange period goes upto 1 year which is more than generous. All the rules applicable for returns are reasonable and as long as you follow the script, chances are you won’t have any problem with it.
Note that in-house credits expire after 1 year. So, if you have earned them, then make sure to keep an eye on the expiry date and use it before the deadline. Shipping policies are also standard and for recurring orders, the products will reach you free of cost.
If you live in the United States, then shipping cost might be roughly around $7. International order shipping costs are calculated at checkout and there might be additional fees involved. Lastly, remember that for returns the period allowed is 60 days and for best results, always keep the receipts handy and get in touch with the support team for the correct guidance.
Payment Methods
BioTrust as we mentioned before is a huge brand catering to the needs of people all over the world. To accommodate people from different regions, they support a wide array of payment mechanisms. If you are looking for the list of options available, check out the section below.
- American Express
- Discover
- Master Card
- PayPal
- Visa
Due to the best security features, we strongly suggest you use the PayPal option.
Website Data
As the outbreak of the BioTrust Invoice Scam queries peaked on the internet, we did conduct a thorough analysis to see the health of their website. They feature an active SSL layer which means the data is protected and encrypted.
Their website is not blacklisted by any anti-virus software or browsers. Moreover, they have a solid alexa rank and they get most of their traffic from the United States and Australia. Bottom line is that we could not find anything that might be potentially damaging to their brand or firm.
BioTrust Invoice Scam Review Conclusion
BioTrust Invoice Scam is a one time event and the issue is already addressed. If you receive any similar messages, then do not follow the instructions or click on any links before confirming with the official sources.
Their offerings are valuable, but it might be out of range for people that are constrained by a strict budget. Nonetheless, start taking health supplements only after talking with a doctor. Remember, when it comes to health, there is no such thing as too safe or conservative.
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