DoorDash has been facing a lot of heat lately. Marko Vs DoorDash Lawsuit is something that is gaining a lot of traction on the web and some people are even questioning the authenticity of the whole deal.
In this blog post, we will take a close look at everything associated with this case including the process, fee structure, and payment methods. Our goal is to help people understand the situation and that is exactly why almost everything we discuss will be in plain English.
If you are someone who should receive compensation because of the lawsuit, then take a look at the following content. We have done our best to address every question that might be on your mind.

Let us start this section by discussing the background because that is what ignited this whole domino effect, right? The plaintiffs have alleged that DoorDash has been classifying people as Independent Contractors wrongfully.
DoorDash is facing a situation similar to Lyft and Uber encountered a while back. Basically, they do not want to show their users as employers because that would require them to shell out a lot of money.
Things like insurance, and minimum wages will rack up a lot of bills and as a firm that is exploding in terms of revenue, they are obviously trying their best to curb the expenses. While the party in question has denied all the allegations, they have chosen to close down the matter with a settlement.
Marko Vs DoorDash Claim Process
People that have done deliveries for DoorDash between August 2016 to March 2021 fulfill the eligibility criteria. If you are looking for specific dates, then refer to the section below.
Note that at any point, if you are unsure about the proceedings or the procedure, then talk to a lawyer. This lawsuit consists of two settlement classes which will be covered below.
The California Settlement Class – It is composed of all individuals who entered into an agreement with DoorDash to use the DoorDash mobile application to provide delivery services to customers in California between August 30, 2016, and December 31, 2020, and who completed at least one delivery in California during that time period.
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Individuals who entered into individual settlement agreements with DoorDash to resolve and discharge all of their misclassification-related claims for the same time period are not included in the California Settlement Class.
Massachusetts Settlement Class – The Massachusetts Settlement Class consists of all individuals in Massachusetts who entered into an agreement with DoorDash to use the DoorDash mobile application to provide delivery services to Massachusetts customers between September 26, 2014, and March 31, 2021, and who completed at least one delivery in Massachusetts during that time period.
Fees and Charges
Every lawsuit regardless of the end result is going to carry certain fees. This class action lawsuit is beneficial for the end user(drivers) because they have a no-loss proposition. If the settlement fund is approved, then they will get their share, but if things go sideways, they are not required to pay anything to anyone.
As far as the legal costs and other additional fees are considered, the court will decide the final amount and that will be taken from the settlement fund. In other words, the users do not have to do anything except submit their forms before the deadline.
How to opt-out?
If you want to opt out of the settlement, then you have to make a formal Request for Exclusion from the Settlement or “Opt-Out” to the Settlement Administrator by November 1, 2021. The written form should contain the 3 things which are listed below.
- Personal Details – Name, number, and Address
- Precise Statement – Formal Tone and Clear structure
- Signature
Opt-out forms can be sent via mail or email.
- Address – Marko v. DoorDash, P.O. Box 26170, Santa Ana, CA 92799
- Email –
Parties involved in Marko Vs DoorDash Settlement
The eligibility criteria are covered in the paragraphs above. Generally speaking, drivers that used to work for DoorDash are the ones that stand to benefit from the entire situation. While there are no regular updates from DoorDash’s side, we suggest people keep an eye on the official websites to get the latest information.
The final hearing is scheduled for November 30th, 2021. While you do not have to go there, you can see things unfold firsthand, if you want to. The hearing is held at Los Angeles County Superior Court.
Note that even if the lawsuit is successful, according to the sources, payments are estimated to be made in March 2022. There might be delays before the amount hits your wallet or account, but sadly, clients will not be able to do anything about it.
Settlement Payment
In the initial days, the compensation amount was said to be around $130 per driver. However, that is not the case. The end amount depends upon a few factors such as time period of duty and miles driven. Exact rates are not easy to calculate, but it is directly proportional to the factors mentioned above.
Payments can be received through check or via e-wallets such as Paypal, Venmo, etc. Specify the mode preferred in the claim form and the rest will be taken care of by the Claims Administrator. If the payment exceeds $600, then the transaction will be under the radar of the IRS and it is the duty of the clients to handle the taxes.
Marko Vs DoorDash Important Dates
Here are some important dates you should know about.
- Deadline to submit claim form – 01/11/2021
- Deadline to submit Opt-out Form – 01/11/2021
- Court Hearing – 30/11/2021
- Estimated Time to process claims – March 2022
Marko Vs DoorDash Scam Messages
On social media platforms, few people have mentioned that suspicious messages are being circulated using the Marko Vs DoorDash narrative. If you ever receive any text message claiming to be from the authorities, then verify the source immediately.
Remember, no organization will ask for your personal information via email or text. Also, report the incident immediately if any kind of payment is being demanded. To avoid all the hassles, use spam protection on your gadgets and never believe anything unless it is from the official web portals.
Bottom Line
The Marko Vs DoorDash incident is covered well all over the internet. Details of the lawsuit are available on the respective websites and it is a pretty straightforward deal. Conditions are outlined well and as long as you stick to the script, there won’t be anything to worry about.
Do you have any questions about Marko Vs DoorDash? If yes, then comment below and we will do our best to guide you.
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I had opted out from Marko vs Doord
ash to go with Gibbs Law. I thought I was a class member. Now Gibbs Law is stating that they couldn’t add me to the list in time and I will have a individual case over the phone with doordash. I have work and driven 5025 miles for doordash. Gibbs Law is stating that I may redieve $2525.56 before attorney fees. Now I worked as a delivery driver with postmates same settlement 7500.00 for settlement check. Something is wrong?